PolicyActionVendor : Public <<TMF_BusinessEntity>> Business Entity
The PolicyActionVendor class is a concrete base class that provides a general extension mechanism for representing PolicyActions that have not been modeled with the attributes specified in this model. This class uses two of its properties (Constraint and ConstraintEncoding) for defining the content and format of a vendor-specific condition. Its third property (actionResponse) to provide a standard result, so that this object can be placed with other PolicyAction objects in a PolicyRule object. Standardized extensions are not expected to use this class.<br/>
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Attribute |
Scope |
Type |
This attribute provides a general extension mechanism for representing policy actions that have not been modeled with the specific properties contained in this model. The format of this attribute is determined by the OID value stored in the ActionEncoding attribute.<br/><br/><br/><br/>A policy decision point can readily determine whether it supports the values stored in an instance of ActionData by checking the OID value from ActionEncoding against the set of OIDs it recognizes. The action for the policy decision point to take in case it does not recognize the format of this data could itself be modeled as a PolicyRule, governing the behavior of the policy decision point.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Notes:<br/><br/>Not present in the ITU specs. The CIM defines a similar attribute called ActionData.<br/>
This is a string attribute. It is used to represent an OID that in turn identifies the encoding and semantics of the ActionData attribute value array in this instance. The value of this property is a single string, representing a single OID.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Notes: Not present in the ITU specs. The CIM defines a similar attribute called ActionEncoding.<br/>
This is a Boolean attribute that is used to allow a 'standard' definition of a TRUE/FALSE response to be made by an external system attached to the model at this point. This will allow integration with a generalized policy processing engine.<br/><br/><br/><br/>notes: Not defined in the ITU or CIM specs.<br/>
Tag |
Value |
IsCoreEntity |
False |
Values: true,false Default: False
rsa_guid |
_3E3F0EC000E93E066D370047 |
Property |
Value |
isActive: |
0 |
isFinalSpecialization: |
0 |