Figure Acc.01 - Account Overview

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Figure Acc.01 - Account Overview : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 3/14/2024 9:57:29 AM
An Account specifies basic attributes and relationships that describe an account.<br/>An Account aims to register all Credits and Debits according to criteria. It carries one or many Balances (results of Credits and Debits) and might use one or many Currencies.<br/>Each Account is possessed by one or many PartyRoles such as the Holder or the Payer of a CustomerBillingAccount.<br/>Each Account might be related to other Accounts such as a parent / child relationship.<br/>BusinessPartnerAccount, CustomerBillingAccount and FinancialAccount are types of Account.<br/>A BusinessPartnerAccount and CustomerBillingAccount carries additional information (such as creditLimit) and have specific relationships.<br/>A FinancialAccount is part of the sub-ledger accounting that aggregates the amounts of one or more business partner and / or Customer accounts owned by a given party. It’s an internal view of the CSP to manage incomes and outcomes.<br/>Each accounting event from a BusinessPartnerAccount or CustomerBillingAccount is logged to a FinancialAccount according to the assignment rules specified by BsuinessPartnerAccountAssignment and CustomerBillingAccountAssignment.<br/>