Figure EC.02- I01 – Broadband Procurement Catalog

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Figure EC.02- I01 – Broadband Procurement Catalog : Object diagram
Created: 5/3/2022 1:50:37 PM
Modified: 6/12/2024 6:13:43 AM
<font color="#29313b">The following example shows how a Broadband catalog can be specified and dynamically generated.</font><br/><font color="#29313b">Originally, vendor X’s catalog Broadband catalog only contained a physical gateway and phones for VoIP. But now the vendor wants to build a Broadband Procurement Catalog that contains any broadband offering that can be acquired. </font><br/><font color="#29313b">To be able to dynamically build / update the Catalog rules related to the corresponding CatalogSpecification are needed.</font><br/><font color="#29313b">The rules specify:</font><br/><ul>
<li><font color="#29313b">When the Catalog has to be updated by creating a triggering Event and relating it to the specification for the Broadband Procurement Catalog</font></li><li><font color="#29313b">Which “category”, or ProductSpecificationType, and its related ProductSpecifications are to have their ProductOfferings, is to be included in the catalog, by relating them to the specification for the Broadband Procurement Catalog.</font></li></ul>
<font color="#29313b">The following Figure – Broadband Procurement Catalog shows the CatalogSpecification instance and Catalog instances and instances of their related entities. According to the rule specified for the Broadband Catalog Specification, a Broadband Procurement Catalog is first built in January; then another one is built in February. It contains all that can be acquired for a Virtualized Gateway, in addition to the Physical Gateway and the IP Phone. The example also illustrates that the “IP Phone” instance of ProductSpecification is related to two instances of ProductSpecificationType and therefore the corresponding ProductOffering is available for inclusion in other catalogs</font><br/>