Installed Resources Identification

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Installed Resources Identification : Public <<TMF_Function>> Function
Created: 12/8/2022 2:18:54 PM
Modified: 1/16/2025 11:44:06 AM
Installed Resources Identification Function identifies the installed resources to update, as part of the chosen technical solution, to deliver the ordered service (CFS).<br/>This information enrich the CFS order and the CFS.<br/><br/>This choice is based on service catalogue rules (between RFS specification and Resources specification) and it can be necessary to check the installed resources availability, occupancy, etc. via the Resource Availability function.<br/><br/>Cloud example: In case of a cloud service, the Service Order Delivery process only identifies the equipment in charge of the management of the cloud infrastructure and it will be informed of the ordered service characteristics. Depending on its own rules, the cloud infrastructure manager will decide or not to immediately allocate and configure all or part of the required resources.<br/>So the first usage request of the cloud service can trigger the effective choice and configuration of the necessary resources and these resources can change between usages. In this case the end of the delivery process is assumed by the manager of the cloud infrastructure. <br/><br/>Note: This function is globally a part of the technical solution identification.<br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_AF» Service Order Management
Aggregated Function «TMF_AFAggregatesFunction»
Tag Value
Function Identifier 1141
Maturity 4
Description: the maturity level of this element  (1-x integer)
system ID 4007
TMFStatus Released
Values: Released,Preliminary,Draft,Not Fully Developed,likelyToChange,likelyToBeDeprecated
Description: the TM Forum status
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0