Service Specification Change Auditing : Public <<TMF_Function>> Function
Service Specification Change Auditing manages the implications of Service Specifications changes to determine the consequences of any given change. Customer Facing Service Specifications (CFSSpec) changes may impact other CFSSpec according to relationships and also Product Specification that restrict it. Resources Facing Service Specification (RFSSpec) may impact other RFSSpecs according to relationships and / or CFSSpecs it realizes.<br/>The function logs Service Specifications changes and supports the analysis of relationships between Service Specifications. <br/>In addition, it tracks the history of changes in an easy and accessible manner.<br/>
- Associations To
- Tagged Values
- Advanced
Tag |
Value |
Function Identifier |
1080 |
Maturity |
4 |
Description: the maturity level of this element (1-x integer)
system ID |
3670 |
TMFStatus |
Released |
Values: Released,Preliminary,Draft,Not Fully Developed,likelyToChange,likelyToBeDeprecated Description: the TM Forum status
Property |
Value |
isFinalSpecialization: |
0 |