Service Impact Identification

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Service Impact Identification : Public <<TMF_Function>> Function
Created: 12/8/2022 2:18:50 PM
Modified: 1/16/2025 11:44:05 AM
Service Impact Identification Function enables the calculation of the impact of a resource event or set of events, depending on severity and risk level evaluation rules.<br/><br/>The resource event can be: <br/><ul>
<li>a resource trouble or a resource trouble ticket</li><li>an alarm on the resource</li><li>a work planned on the resource (Resource Order issued from a Delivery process, from infrastructure operations, from problem management) or a Project concerning the resource</li></ul>
The nature and the estimated duration of the event can be used for the impact analysis. <br/><br/>Different types of evaluation rules can be defined, for example:<br/><ul>
<li>rules based on the volume of the impact (example: number of installed services using an installed resource)</li><li>rules based on the related service level agreement (example: a unique installed service can be impacted but with a very high SLA)</li></ul>
<br/>This function provides functionality to:<br/><ul>
<li>identify impacted elements: makes the link between the impacted installed resource and directly or indirectly impacted installed services and installed products (example: an access trouble impacts services supported by the access)</li><li>determine the level, severity and the risk level of the impact.</li></ul><p/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_AF» Service Impact Assessment
Aggregated Function «TMF_AFAggregatesFunction»
Tag Value
Function Identifier 1139
Maturity 4
Description: the maturity level of this element  (1-x integer)
system ID 3287
TMFStatus Released
Values: Released,Preliminary,Draft,Not Fully Developed,likelyToChange,likelyToBeDeprecated
Description: the TM Forum status
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0