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Digi-boost connectivity services

URN C23.0.529
Topics Autonomous networks, Business assurance, Digital twin

Aiming to drive $50m new revenue and $6B income annually. Digi-Boost Connectivity Service Solution unlocks new revenue growth in fixed networks.

In light of stagnant annual growth in fixed network revenue, CSPs are shifting their focus towards enhancing the quality of development within the fixed network domain. This transition involves moving from a reactive approach (addressing complaint calls) to a proactive strategy (identifying new opportunities). Achieving this transformation necessitates a deeper understanding of user preferences and a commitment to precision marketing, even including the introduction of innovative products. Network operations handle and manage a plethora of user experience metrics. However, the challenge arises when users express dissatisfaction due to delays in problem resolution. Mere escalation of index values (e.g., KPIs, QoE, etc.) often fails to address these issues. Meanwhile, marketing teams tend to indiscriminately promote all products to all users in hopes of finding potential buyers. Unfortunately, these endeavors have yielded limited results at a substantial cost. What if user-specific network operation data could be enriched with relevant business tags? These tags could include user profiles, tariff plans, bandwidth preferences, and more. Introducing the Digi-boost Connectivity Solution: leveraging AI-driven analysis of operational and marketing data to provide robust support for precision marketing. This solution effectively unlocks new avenues for revenue growth within the existing Home Broadband and private line networks. It accomplishes this by offering visual insights into network quality (network insights) and empowering the identification of potential users with specific business tags, all guided by predefined rules and pre-training datasets. The outcome is a list of potential users that seamlessly integrates with the Marketing system, serving as a reliable reference for intelligent decision-making and streamlined marketing strategies. Through a Proof of Concept (PoC) focused on Home Broadband and private line networks, the Digi-boost Connectivity Solution demonstrated remarkable results. The conversion rate for marketing efforts tripled, while labor costs diminished without compromising user satisfaction. This solution is a testament to its potential profitability within the fixed network domain, with projected global earnings surpassing $3 billion. In essence, the Digi-boost Connectivity Solution presents a transformative approach to fixed network development, enhancing user experience, and driving substantial revenue growth through precise and informed marketing strategies.



C23.0.529 Digi-Boost Connectivity Services

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Team members

AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. logo
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology(CAICT) logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
Hangzhou Eastcom Software Technology CO.,Ltd logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Telecom Argentina, S.A. logo

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