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All projects

WebAssembly Canvas

URN C23.0.601
Topics Cloud migration, Edge computing, Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

Radically different software hosting brings a step change in carbon footprint, power cost, security simplicity and operational agility.

Just as the industry eagerly embraced Containers and Kubernetes over machine virtualization, W3C's WebAssembly (Wasm) promises another leap forward with lightweight, instantaneous processes. It serves as a stack-based virtual machine for clients and servers, acting as a portable compilation target for high-level languages. The CNCF's wasmCloud open-source project also offers a distributed application runtime that represents an evolutionary step beyond Kubernetes. This Catalyst showcases the benefits of this emerging technology for CSPs by bridging the gap between mobile, transport, and cloud technologies, ultimately accelerating the delivery of 5G applications and providing CSPs with significant advantages. Today, the majority of the work in this area is focused on VMware and Kubernetes deployments. However, this project aims to push the boundaries of efficient, portable, and secure application hosting by exploring WebAssembly and wasmCloud at the advanced edge. By rapidly prototyping open-source ODA Components and Canvas within a short timeframe, the project's objective is to showcase the potential of W3C's WebAssembly and CNCF's wasmCloud in the context of Open Digital Architecture (ODA). It will demonstrate an ODA Canvas realized on wasmCloud, utilizing Wasm actors and capability providers to compose ODA Components.


WebAssembly is an open standard developed by a W3C Community Group. The Bytecode Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating secure new software foundations, building on standards such as WebAssembly and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). The wasmCloud project, of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), provides a distributed application platform for for Wasm.

Inform feature

How WebAssembly can help CSPs look beyond Kubernetes for faster, greener, and more secure software deployment

Presentation Slides

Arena Presentation

Kiosk Presentation


PoC Source Code


5GC CCS in ODA Canvas

Quick Payment in WebAssembly wasmCloud ODA Canvas

Agent-based Distributed CCS in a Multi-tier Coopetitive Ecosystem

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Etisalat UAE logo
Global Wavenet Pte Ltd logo
NBNCo Ltd logo
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