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All projects

INNOVATION PIONEER PROJECT: Maximizing the value of TM Forum assets using AI and machine-readable models

URN C24.0.626
Topics Business models, Enterprise architecture, IT Transformation

TM Forum and members are joining forces in this Pioneer Innovation Project to transform static assets into machine-readable format for digital transformation planning

This Innovation Pioneer project will create the necessary cross-functional mappings and transform the existing TM Forum Assets from their static state into an actionable and executable form. In their actionable and executable (machine-readable) form, the TM Forum assets will provide the real and expected value of industry best practices to all TM Forum Members. Using AI to make the necessary links between assets will accelerate cross-mapping work, and will allow TM Forum Members to validate existing links, leveraging the existing TM Forum MODA work.

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Team members

Bell Canada logo
Botswana Telecommunications Corporation logo
BT Group plc logo
Concertia Technologies Inc logo
Crown Castle logo
Ethio Telecom logo
Evergent Technologies, Inc. logo
Levio Consulting Inc. logo
NOS Technology logo
TM Forum logo
Transform & Trust Advisory Ltd logo
Zayo Group, LLC logo

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