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Unleash 5G monetization with autonomous operations

URN C24.0.646
Topics 5G monetization, Autonomous networks, Intent-based networking

Enabling new business models for network slicing through autonomous operations

To fully capitalize on their investments in 5G network slicing, CSPs need autonomous operations, enabled by end-to-end service intent lifecycle management. Advances in generative AI (genAI) can support the definition, evaluation, delivery and assurance of intent in an autonomous system, thereby enhancing intent-driven interactions. This Catalyst plans to demonstrate autonomous operations across the CSP ecosystem, simplifying service ordering for enterprise customers. The project will achieve this by using the new TMF641 version 5, which is now intent aware. By harnessing generative AI, the project endeavours to deconstruct user intent into its defining characteristics and expected outcomes, empowering more accurate and effective decision-making within the network infrastructure. Bolstered by AIOps methodologies, the proposed solution will enable CSPs to dynamically optimize 5G network slices to meet enterprises’ needs. One of the key features of the project is its focus on not propagating network information to the Business Support Systems (BSS) layer. Instead, it prioritizes services and shields the BSS personnel from the complexities of the underlying network infrastructure. This approach allows the BSS personnel to interact with the network without needing in-depth knowledge of its complexity, thereby improving operational efficiency and reducing the potential for errors. The solution will follow the dynamic service orchestration concept for intent orchestration, and use AI to resolve the service intent and map the resources intents. Deploying RAN and Core networks on a horizontal cloud-native platform fosters dynamic resource allocation and management, harnessing the power of containerization, cloud-native technologies and unified management of infrastructure lifecycle to achieve efficient orchestration and scalability. The catalyst emphasis on autonomous decision-making, enabled by the cognitive loop technology and machine reasoning, sets it apart from traditional network management approaches. This approach empowers the network to make intelligent decisions based on user intent, thereby reducing the need for manual intervention and enhancing the overall network performance. Working across the business, service and resource layers, the proposed solution will enable CSPs to adopt innovative B2B2X business models in multiple domains opening up new revenue streams.



Unleash 5G Monetization with Autonomous Networks

Unleash 5G Monetization with Autonomous Networks - Speaker Notes

Evolving service management toward intent-driven autonomous networks

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Ericsson Inc. logo
KDDI Research, Inc. logo
Nespon logo
Red Hat, Inc. logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo

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