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Accelerating cognitive growth on WISE investment

URN C24.0.667
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Resilience, Sustainability

Balancing investment strategies through AI-driven lean management

This Catalyst aims to utilize an intelligent platform to facilitate management’s decisions on optimal investments, addressing both short-term and long-term returns from multi-dimensional perspectives. It can solicit justifications from applicants to enhance their financial projections. A sophisticated analytical framework within the intelligent platform appraises business proposals to validate commercial and technical feasibility. It also anticipates a higher likelihood of satisfying stakeholder expectations while fulfilling committed key performance indicators. Innovative problem-solving is fostered to circumvent any impediments or deficiencies. Resources are thereby allocated with maximal efficiency. Owing to dynamic changes in the environment, the intelligent platform maintains astute situational awareness of fluctuating external factors and shifting competitive dynamics. This endows it with the discernment to render well-informed judgments. Additionally, the platform can generate alternative courses of action for consideration by both applicants and management sanctioning investment decisions.


#C24.0.667 Project Overview# ► The Challenge Established communications service providers are finding it difficult to sustain growth through their core network operations alone, as mature markets see limited potential for increased revenue and income. Constant heavy investments in networking capabilities will not support long-term business success. Instead, CSPs must seek out new growth avenues by diversifying into areas that can generate sustainable growth and fresh revenue streams for the future. As resources become tighter, strategic and effective investment has become a critical strategic priority. While some CSPs recognize the need to look beyond traditional telecom for expansion opportunities, determining the best directions and sectors to invest in new "blue oceans" is challenging. With core telecom facing saturation, CSPs must carefully evaluate prospective new business domains. Thorough research is needed to identify expansion options that maximize current strengths and tap promising trends, while minimizing risk. Simply diversifying into unrelated fields risks large investments for uncertain returns. By deeply understanding industry changes and capabilities, CSPs hope to identify wise investments that power continuous business success through periods of transformation in the market. Insightful assessment of options will be key for developed market operators seeking to thrive. ► The Solution To meet the challenges of making strategic investment decisions, CSPs require a new approach to help ensure their investments are workable, innovative, satisfying for customers, and efficient. They need a catalyst to provide a "WISE" framework for intelligent decision-making. A WISE approach would not only focus on revenue generation, but also consider customer experience, innovation potential, and operational efficiency. It would help CSPs: >Ensure investments are practically feasible (Workable) >Explore new opportunities through disruptive ideas (Innovative) >Satisfy customer needs that drive value and loyalty (Satisfying) >Optimize resources and costs for maximum return (Efficient) Adopting such a balanced, win-win perspective would allow CSPs to thoughtfully evaluate diversification options or new business domains. It would guide them in pinpointing investments that align business objectives over the short and long term. A WISE framework could power smarter expansion strategies for sustainable growth in changing times. Going beyond traditional metrics, it aims to strategically position CSPs for future success. ► Team Collaborations The team consisting of 5 champions (10+companies coz several subsidiaries from China Mobile) and 4 participants came together to research and develop a framework for making strategic investment decisions. The goal was to design an intelligent, data-driven approach to help ensure the company invests wisely. #Diverse Champion Business Use Cases# →HKT:WISE Investment Practice: Fueling Growth in FinTech By applying the WISE approach, HKT decided to enter the new FinTech business. Created and developed Tap&Go, the first mobile wallet in Hong Kong. HKT also collaborated with leading payment platforms like Apple Pay, Android Pay, and UnionPay Mastercard. Additionally, they created virtual and physical bank cards. →China Mobile Guangxi:Wise cost management enables efficient allocation of corporate resources and empowers high-quality development By applying the WISE approach, China Mobile Guangxi successfully enables efficient allocation of corporate resources and empowers high-quality development. →China Unicom:Intelligent Digital Support System Enables 5G Services By applying the WISE approach, China Unicom established the Intelligent Digital Support System under the Outcome-Based Decision Intelligence framework focus to improve on 5G services. →Telkomsel:Relying on GenAI to improve network value By applying the WISE approach, Telkomsel believe that CSPs must balance network costs and operations to survive. With 85% global smartphone adoption, adding customers is no longer viable. Remaining competitive requires optimizing Capex and reducing Opex, challenging CSPs who already seem streamlined and effcient. An autonomous network solution integrated with GenAI is needed to address this challenge. →China Mobile Jiangsu:Data Intelligence Empowers Commercial Complex Marketing Cooperation By applying the WISE approach, China Mobile Jiangsu company joins hands with commercial complexes, industry digital technology solution providers and industry partners to focus on the demands and challenges of commercial complex business development, helping to achieve high-quality business operation transformation covering the entire process of marketing customer acquisition, precision marketing and retention, and accelerating the digital economy empowers the real economy to achieve sustainable economic growth. →China Mobile Beijing:Home broadband business high-quality development based on holistic service experience management system By applying the WISE approach, China Mobile Beijing established a customer-centric service operation system to enable high-quality development of home broadband services. #Main TM Forum Assets Used or Contributed# This Catalyst team used and contributed XX+ TMF assets. * Apart team-mates leading two members projects (DT4DI, ODE,), members also actively use and contributed to TMF assets that related to multiple TMF members projects (e.g. ODE, ODA, DT4DI, AN, AIOps). * We believe the long-term sustainability recipe shall combine value creation & measurement (e.g. DT4DI, ODE, ) with autonomy and efficiency (AO) in the context of the TM Forum ODA framework. #Impact on Industry# Initially, the goal of developing the WISE framework was to help telecommunications companies make strategic investment decisions focused on sustainably growing their core services. This included advising on investments in network infrastructure and telecommunications technology upgrades. However, it was recognized that the WISE approach could provide value beyond a single sector. It could guide companies in identifying new business directions and opportunities for diversification. In other words, the WISE investment evaluation method was designed to be applicable across all types of companies, not just those in telecommunications.

1. Hi, this is C667 Project Overview

C24.0.667 Industry Impact

C667 Project Introduction Video

C24.0.667 Project Introduction - Accelerating cognitive growth on WISE investment

2. Overview - Proof of Concept with tangible business value

C667 Proof of Concept with Tangible Business Value

2.1 Champion Business Use Case with Tangible Value, Deliverables: news, ppt, demo/video, article etc

HKT UC Financial Services_Tap and Go


C667 China Mobile Guangxi USE CASE DEMO - Value-driven intelligent cost management

C667 China Mobile Jiangsu USE CASE - Data Intelligence Empowers Commercial Complex Marketing Cooperation

C667 China Mobile Beijing USE CASE - Home broadband business high-quality development based on holistic service experience management system

C667 China Unicom USE CASE - Intelligent Digital Support System Enables 5G Services

DEMO - China Mobile Beijing USE CASE

Catalyst24.0.667 - Beijing Mobile USE CASE Detailed Solution Introduction

China Mobile Beijing won the Digital Transformation Best Practice Award issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

C24.0.667 Telkomsel WISE on Network Values

C24.0.667 - Accelerating cognitive growth on WISE investment

3. Overview - TMF Assets Usage and Contribution

TMF Assets Usage and Contribution

3.1 TM Forum Assets Used and Contributed, list key assets here.

Asset Contribution - IG1307_Digital_Twin_for_Decision_Intelligence_DT4DI_Whitepaper_v1.0.0

Asset Contribution - IG1310C_DT4DI_Top_Use_Cases_v4.0.0

Asset Contribution - C667 China Mobile Jiangsu Contributed an Use Case to TMF ODE Member Project

Asset Contribution - IG1310A_DT4DI_Reference_Architecture_v2.0.0

Asset Contribution - China Mobile Beijing Contributed UC to TMF DT4DI IG1310C

Asset Usage - IG1316 TechCo Organizational Design

Asset Usage - GB1031 Digital Organizational Transformation Culture & Skills Guidebook

4. Academic Papers

Nanjing university contributed academic papers.

Nanjing University Contributed Academic Papers

Nanjing University Contributed Academic Papers

Nanjing University Contributed Academic Papers

Nanjing University Contributed Academic Papers

6. Team Mates

C667 Team Mates

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

Beijing ZZNode Technologies Co.,Ltd. logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Nanjing University logo
PT Telekomunikasi Selular logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo

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