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INNOVATION PIONEER PROJECT: High-value scenarios for autonomous networks level 4

URN C24.5.756
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks, Intent-based networking

Showcasing high-value autonomous network Level 4 scenarios, unifying the vision across TM Forum members for a smarter future

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The development of autonomous networks continues to be a key focus across the industry, and TM Forum, in collaboration with our members, is playing a pivotal role in shaping its future. Our collective efforts have resulted in the creation of the AN Reference Architecture, Intent, AN Assessment Levels, and self-healing domains. With over 70 leading companies, now supporting our AN Manifesto, the momentum is stronger than ever. The AN L4 IPP project aims to showcase existing high-value Level 4 scenarios within CSPs and vendors, helping to create a clear and common understanding of AN Level 4. This shared understanding will enable us to collectively innovate new assets, accelerating progress toward the next level of network autonomy.

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China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Unitechs Co.,Ltd. logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
TM Forum logo
ZTE Corporation logo

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