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Enhancing energy efficiency in network operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint

URN C25.0.770
Topics 5G, Autonomous networks, Sustainability

Revolutionizing network operations by innovative energy efficiency solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprints, fostering a sustainable future.

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This proposal addresses the critical issue of energy inefficiency in network operations, which significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and escalates carbon footprints. As businesses increasingly rely on digital infrastructure, the environmental impact of energy consumption becomes a pressing concern. By enhancing energy efficiency, we can not only meet regulatory demands but also cater to the growing consumer preference for sustainability. The business value lies in reduced operational costs through lower energy consumption, enabling organizations to allocate resources more effectively. Additionally, adopting sustainable practices enhances brand reputation and attracts environmentally conscious customers, leading to increased market competitiveness. Our innovative approach leverages advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to optimize energy usage in real-time. By analyzing data patterns, we can identify inefficiencies and implement tailored solutions that adapt to the specific needs of each network operation. This proactive method not only minimizes energy waste but also enhances overall performance and reliability. By solving the energy inefficiency problem, we empower end-users with a sustainable, cost-effective solution that benefits both their bottom line and the environment, paving the way for a greener future in network operations.

Team members

Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco) logo
EITC  (DU) logo
Etisalat UAE logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Nokia logo
Ooredoo Group logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo
Tata Consultancy Services logo
Zain Group - Mobile Telecommunications Company K.S.C.P logo

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