This Catalyst project will leverage Open Gateway APIs (via Camara) and TMF APIs to create a new protocol for the spatial web, which will support diverse immersive spatial experiences. By establishing this protocol, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) will be empowered to manage Spatial Web Nodes—geospatial anchors foundational to mixed-reality spaces—offering these as a managed service. This innovative service model will unlock new revenue opportunities for CSPs while aligning with Access Service Providers (ASPs) and Digital Service Providers (DSPs).
The proposed solution introduces a groundbreaking protocol for spatial web interoperability, utilizing standardized Open Gateway APIs and TMF APIs. This protocol will enable CSPs to deliver “Spatial Web Nodes” as a managed service, allowing precise and secure management of geospatial anchors across diverse applications. Spatial Web Nodes will facilitate stable, context-rich, location-specific experiences for DSPs and ASPs, enabling them to easily integrate spatial elements into their offerings. By standardizing spatial interactions and anchor management, this protocol brings CSPs a new opportunity to monetize spatial nodes and expand their market reach.