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Intelligent fixed broadband operations

URN C25.0.777
Topics Autonomous networks, Customer experience management, Open APIs

Experience-based operation boost customer satisfaction and improvement

featured image
In the market field, Huawei provides a home-oriented precision marketing solution through OSS and BSS data integration and AI modeling. This solution can accurately identify potential customers who have FTTR and package upgrade requirements and potential OTT customers. In addition, it can streamline home broadband and MBB data and perform convergent modeling, implementing FMC cross-sell precision marketing. In the user experience field, to objectively evaluate user experience, Huawei couples the CEI standard and experience NPS based on AI technologies, and performs aggregation analysis on CEI indicators of the home, service, and network segments to implement poor-QoE demarcation and closed-loop management. In the passive optical network field, Huawei provides the digital fiber solution based on the digital twin technology, which visualizes the resources and quality of passive optical nodes, lines, and planes, greatly improving the investment efficiency.

Team members

AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc. logo
Beijing ZZNode Technologies Co.,Ltd. logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
PT Telekomunikasi Selular logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo
Telkom SA logo

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