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Broadband as a Service: The future of wholesale broadband ordering – Phase II

URN C25.0.811
Topics B2B Services, Marketplaces, Open APIs

The creation of a standard for the wholesale broadband access market using latest TMF standards to promote inter-operability

featured image
Currently, the lack of a standard implementation of the TM Forum APIs in the access market mean service provider may require multiple and different implementations for the same products, even where the access provider is using TM Forum components and APIs. The project will mean an access provider or software vendor can implement that will help reduce the cost and time service providers need to get their products to market. It gives a standard product model, lifecycle and supporting services such as addressing and appointments. The future will extend the project to service providers offering products to end users, helping build an eco-system based on common definitions that further simplify and reduce IT costs.


Explore the previous phases of this project

Wholesale fiber broadband standardization

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Team members

Altice Labs, S.A logo
alvatross logo
Amartus logo
AT&T Inc. logo
Axiros GmbH logo
BT Group plc logo
CityFibre logo
Comarch S.A. logo
Deutsche Glasfaser Management GmbH logo
Deutsche Telekom AG logo
GIP Exyr GmbH logo
Lyse Tele AS logo
OXG Glasfaser GmbH logo
PlatformX Communications (PXC) logo
Vodafone GmbH logo
Vodafone Group logo
ZIRA Ltd. logo

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