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GenAI Proactive customer care for 5G monetization

URN C25.0.813
Topics 5G monetization, AI (Artificial Intelligence), Customer experience management

Increasing revenue by using AI, 5.5G, and GenAI to enhance service quality and deliver real-time hyper-personalized experiences, boosting NPS

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Telecom Customer Care faces significant challenges, where different technologies are emerging and a disrupted transformation solution is required to guaranty the improvement of customer experience and efficiency in CSP operation. In one hand 5G advance technology has incorporated new calling experience combining voice, video and data channel allowing the easy understanding during agent communication, while being able to monitor in real time the quality of the service that the customer is experiencing. On other hand, the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI agents presents infinite opportunity to enhance the issue resolution and proactive offer products in the precise moment, taking real time hyper-personalization of customer experience to the next level. The telecom operators can leverage these innovations to a New Generation of Contact Center. Architecture redefinition and standardization of interfaces is the first step to guaranty the success, with a collaborative and innovative approach to adopt this advanced technology is crucial.

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Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Minsait Brasil LTDA logo
PT Telekomunikasi Selular logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo

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