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NeuroNet orchestrator

URN C25.0.837
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks, IT & process automation

Precognitive network orchestration: Driving revenue, efficiency & autonomy/ reusable CSP wide framework delivering beyond 30% EBITDA

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CSPs are facing increasing pressure to deliver new services faster and more cost-effectively. Traditional network orchestration methods are siloed, slow, error-prone, and inflexible. By Replicating legacy applications and creating a new precognitive application blueprint followed by delivering a production application in days allows a CSP to leap into a new era. By delivering new CSP processes across the network, will provide orchestration which significantly reduce time-to-market for new services, improve service quality, and lower operational costs, ushering in a new era with a new way of creating and delivering network orchestration. This Catalyst provides quantum leaps over todays network orchestration by transforming a network legacy E2E journey in moments, streamlining processes, reducing manual intervention, accelerating service delivery, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing customer experience like never before.

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Accenture logo
Pegasystems, Inc. logo
Splunk logo
Vodafone Group logo

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