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AN agent for 5G bearer networks

URN C25.0.848
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks, Fault management

Use AI agent to build an intelligent fault management solution for 5G bearer network, which is AN L4 high-value scenarios

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The 5G bearer network carries a large number of high-value services and plays an important role for China Mobile. However, 5G bearer network troubleshooting faces the following challenges: frequent faults, a large number of faults, difficult fault locating, and high requirements on troubleshooting time. The service process of this project is centered on AI Agent to implement automatic monitoring and diagnosis of root alarms and implement automatic diagnosis instead of manual operations in common fault scenarios. If a fault outside the scenario needs to be manually diagnosed, experts can perform comprehensive diagnosis based on the information provided by AI Copilot.

Team members

Cantone Technology Co.,Ltd. logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
PT Telekomunikasi Selular logo
ZTE Corporation logo

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