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All Moonshots

Sustainability scoring for all

URN M23.0.589
Topics Ecosystem management, Marketplaces, Sustainability

To reduce absolute Scope 3 emissions by 55% by 2030.

To achieve carbon neutrality, CSPs must explore multiple avenues to reduce emissions. Having taken a firm stance on environmental sustainability, T-Mobile aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040 and seeks a solution that comprehensively measures the environmental impact of its systems and processes. This Energy Efficiency Moonshot Catalyst aims to leverage blockchain and machine tokenization to establish a credible and verifiable method for tracking carbon emissions. The goal is to develop a proof of concept system that helps CSPs score suppliers based on the energy and carbon footprint of their products and services. It will also serve to encourage the broader ecosystem to do the same by publicly disclosing supplier scores. The proposed solution utilizes the RDL-network blockchain protocol, supported by the RDDL Network, a decentralized industrial machine-powered blockchain protocol. The Proof-of-Productivity (PoP) consensus mechanism ensures identity, data accuracy, and usage verification for all types of machines. By tokenizing machines, the solution provides irrefutable data as evidence of environmental impact, meeting industrial and regulatory compliance requirements. The process is facilitated by R&C/RDDL protocol automation and notarized machine data from trust anchors (hardware wallets), serving as data oracles to prove the carbon footprint of any machine. The proposed solution encompasses three innovative concepts: 1. An app-suite built on R&C's decentralized architecture, delivering maximum benefits through tokenized energy for microfinancing, real-time energy certificates, and peer-to-peer trading. 2. W3BS, an optimal toolbox offering various software components necessary for tailored industry solutions, including APIs, SDKs, and services. 3. Trust anchors for Web3, featuring different hardware wallets and IPs with unique secure elements, ensuring a trusted connection with diverse machines and enabling the tokenization of machines for numerous industry use cases. By minimizing waste and maximizing efficiencies, this solution also provides operational and automation benefits such as real-time auditing, predictive maintenance, efficient control systems, improved cybersecurity, and opens up new transactional opportunities like carbon-offset markets and green-power-purchase agreements.



Summary Infographic

Inform feature

Blockchain sustainability scoring to help CSPs and vendors tackle emissions

Project Overview Decks

Sustainability Scoring For All - Full

Sustainability Scoring For All - Arena

Solution Details

Architecture, Scoring Logic & Dashboard

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

Deutsche Telekom AG logo
Netcracker Technology logo
Riddle & Code GmbH logo
Splunk logo
T-Mobile USA logo

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