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All Moonshots

Zero carbon intelligent network

URN M23.0.602
Topics 5G, Ecosystem management, Sustainability

This Moonshot Catalyst is building a green, intelligent and simplified network for a low carbon future.

China Mobile has set ambitious "30-60" decarbonization goals, set to achieve a significant reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Specifically, China Mobile aims to reach its CO2 emissions peak prior to 2030 and to attain carbon neutrality by the 2060. To realize these goals, China Mobile has set a mid-term objective: to curtail carbon emissions by 56 million tons and conserve 40 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity by 2025. In order to effectively achieve these goals, China Mobile has devised the comprehensive "3 Energy" action plan, which includes energy conservation, clean energy, and empowerment. This Moonshot Catalyst aims to develop a solution to govern, plan and execute this "3 Energy" action plan. The project aims to deliver the following: 1. Develop and utilize indices that consider network traffic volume and service quality alongside energy conservation efforts. 2. Create an operational platform to manage and measure the "3 Energy" action plan. This platform will include data governance, modeling, index management, solution planning and design, and metric monitoring and reporting. 3. Establish four use cases for implementing the "3 Energy" solutions, covering energy conservation, clean energy adoption, and vertical empowerment. Two cases will focus on energy conservation, one on clean energy, and one on vertical empowerment.



Catalyst summary infographic

Inform feature

Emissions index and green operations platform will help CSPs achieve carbon neutrality

Zero carbon intelligent network

Zero carbon intelligent network-Slide

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Team members

China Academy of Information and Communications Technology(CAICT) logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
Hangzhou Eastcom Software Technology CO.,Ltd logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Sudo Technology Co. LTD logo

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