
Get started

Discover how Open Digital Architecture (ODA) become the industry standard and how to get started through our library of playbooks and toolkits.

The evolution of ODA

ODA has been on an evolutionary path that began by our members creating a common language with the Business Process Framework (eTOM), Application Framework (AF) and Information Framework (SID) to understanding their existing systems estate. This then lead to Open APIs that drove improved integration, and to wrap legacy systems and now we finally the move to fully plug and play ecosystem through components and canvas.
oda evolution

New ODA incorporates ODF assets

The updated Open Digital Architecture now incorporates some of the key assets of Open Digital Framework (ODF) to create one foundational suite of tools, frameworks, guides and toolkits. ODA is the foundation for any company to implement their key changes within their organization.

The new assets that have been added to ODA to create this even stronger foundation are:

How to succeed with ODA

The real power of ODA is unleashed when users combine all of its various assets into creating solutions that solve real-world bussiness problems. Watch the video from Andy Tiller, TM Forum's VP of Product and Services explaining 'How to succeed with ODA'.

To discover more about how to combine ODA assets can be found in the step by step guides of the Playbooks and Toolkits or for further insperation, by investigating some of our member use cases in the  'How to use ODA using Open APIs' (IG1228) document.

[tmf_video src="https://iframe.dacast.com/vod/9292f2e21c51139fb9b2ffd6080ab1d6/2e849e91-4202-4995-91b7-e3d43bc7851b" thumb="https://www.tmforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Screenshot-2024-01-29-100559.png" title="How to succeed with ODA" play_icon="1"]

Improve your skills through Training and Accreditation

Further your knowledge base or certify your current Open API implementations. TM Forum is here to support our members become more efficient and productive.

ODF / ODA training

TM Forum training equips you with the essential know-how to revamp telecom operations, systems, and services using Open Digital Architecture (ODA) industry standards.

Staying ahead in the telecoms' fast-paced digital landscape requires the expertise to execute IT and network transformation seamlessly. Our training provides a clear roadmap to ensure you can leverage industry best practices to achieve this efficiently.

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ODA Component Directory

Wel­come to the ODA Com­po­nent Di­rec­to­ry, a place for buy­ers to find soft­ware providers of Open Dig­i­tal Ar­chi­tec­ture com­po­nents. ODA com­po­nents are the soft­ware build­ing blocks of a cloud na­tive dig­i­tal ser­vice provider’s net­work and IT sys­tems, de­signed for plug-and-play in­ter­op­er­abil­i­ty in a stan­dard­ized de­ploy­ment en­vi­ron­ment (the ODA can­vas). ODA com­po­nent spec­i­fi­ca­tions are un­der ac­tive de­vel­op­ment by the TM Fo­rum mem­ber com­mu­ni­ty.

The ODA Component Di­rec­to­ry, based on func­tion­al map­pings of TM Fo­rum mem­bers’ com­mer­cial soft­ware prod­ucts to v6 of the ODA Com­po­nent In­ven­to­ry (pub­lished in De­cem­ber 2022).  We rec­om­mend view­ing the ODA Com­po­nent Di­rec­to­ry with a Chrome brows­er.

oda components directory