
Concepts and Principles

In this area you will find general material which relates to all of the Open Digital Architecture, including the high-level vision, concepts and principles.
Concept & Principles Resources
View all resources in library
Resource Name Document version Document type Team Approved Date Download

TMF071 Open Digital Framework Terminology v16.0.0

16.0.0 Reference 25 Jun 2024

GB998 Open Digital Architecture (ODA) Concepts & Principles v2.1.0

2.1.0 Standard 29 Jan 2021

IG1166 ODA Architecture Vision R18.0.0

1.0.1 Exploratory Report 18 Jun 2018

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Agile Project Manager, TM Forum
Goutham Babu

End-to-end ODA project

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Michael Carpenter Orac
Mike Carpenter, Oracle

End-to-end ODA project

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Emmanuel A. Otchere,Huawei

End-to-end ODA project

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andreas polz
Andreas Polz, Bearing Point

End-to-end ODA project

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Andrew Thomson, Bearing Point

End-to-end ODA project

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Sylvie Demarest Orange
Sylvie Demarest, Orange

End-to-end ODA project

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johanne mayer
Johanne Mayer, Mayer Consult

End-to-end ODA project

Be a part of the team that captures the 'voice of the member' to ensure that ODA assets from different teams converge, join-up, and are useable.

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Contributing companies and project leaders

Michael Carpenter Orac
emmanuel otchere headshot
andreas polz
Sylvie Demarest Orange
johanne mayer
Michael Carpenter Orac
emmanuel otchere headshot
andreas polz
Sylvie Demarest Orange
johanne mayer