Open Digital Framework

Solutions to ignite growth

The traditional telco model is under pressure to evolve. The telecoms industry has three to five years to Inspire, Design and Build a new platform-based ecosystem.

Telecom industry: redefining its value proposition for growth

The traditional telco model needs to change due to an emerging AI and automation-driven connectivity service landscape, which is also quickly combining with a shift to cloud services. All parts of the telecoms industry are challenged to look to the future and redefine their value proposition by removing technical debt through the use of Open APIs, leveraging automation (including AI), and seeking integration with enterprise IT, as they reorientate themselves for growth.

TM Forum’s Open Digital Framework (ODF) supports the telecoms industry to create agile solutions that inspire new ways to implement services, where the design is based on autonomous AI-driven networks, and show how to build composable architectures which are then run within both a CSP and supplier organizations.

Read the blog on 'creating agile solutions'

Inspire your organization's growth

As the market shifts from vertically integrated solutions to horizontal platforms the ability to create trusted strong automated partnerships as part your Connectivity/Network-as-a-Service offering will be a key strategic differentiator.

TM Forum’s marketplaces collaboration work recognizes the evolution from traditional monolithic closed marketplaces to a new era of open federated or multi-marketplaces providing business guidance and architectures to create customer centric ecosystem solutions.


Business Capabilities

Capitalizing on new value ecosystems, telco’s need a culture of experimentation to realize scalable innovation. The detailed concept-to-design framework provides a toolkit for value pool identification and value network design, leveraging a library of reusable value streams and capabilities of the telco, being captured in Business Architecture as part of a series of assets supporting portfolio management.
How to..... Capability Framework


Building and deploying end-to-end solutions for vertical markets requires trusted ecosystem partnerships between network operators, Hyperscalers and other platform aggregators, systems integrators, and software suppliers.

TM Forum members are taking the lead here, demonstrating how the various players, old and new, can achieve the ability to easily work together to ensure that partner functionality can be quickly and automatically integrated into the heart of any new services offering. This is what we are calling multi-marketplace readiness.

How to..... Multi-marletplace toolkit

Automated Partnering

Automated partnering is about establishing a suite of APIs and methods of working which will support partnering with little to no human contact (Zero Touch Partnering) across a diverse range of service types and suit the needs of all service providers.

Zero Touch, in essence, means Zero IT development and provides our industry of Communications and Digital Service Providers an approach to unleash new services and technologies.

How to..... Automate Partnerships

CaaS: Intent-driven services

Connectivity-as-a-Service (CaaS) aims to standardize how CSPs work with partners to deliver end-to-end connectivity service on-demand, using a customer intent-driven approach. CaaS can only discover CFSs from partners when an agreement is already in place, and is made possible through Zero Touch Partnering (ZTP).
How to..... CaaS: Intent-driven services

Network as a Service Transformation

Network as a Service (NaaS) is a critical foundation for telco-to-techco transformation and becoming a platform service provider, and it is widely seen as a digital enabler to deliver on-demand network services to enterprise and developer ecosystems.
How to..... NaaS: transformation

Design your autonomous network

TM Forum members have delivered the FIRST AI/AN framework as part of the ODA. This recognizes the need for a set of globally agreed standards to enable the industry to simplify working together and to implement the technological and operational complexity required for organizations to succeed.

AI & Autonomous Networks

G o v e r n a n c e
AI Governance:
  • AI maturity models
  • AI management APIs
  • Checklists, model cards...

Find more: AI Governance Toolkit

Data Governance:
  • Data governance guides
  • API engine
  • Maturity models

Find out more: Data and Analystics toolkit


  • TM Forum Intent ontology
  • Intent lifecycle management
  • Intent management API
  • Intent common model

Find out more: Intent toolkit

  • AIOps lifecycle
  • AIOps management framework
  • End to end use cases

Find out more: AIOps toolkit

Measuring & Managing Anatomy:
  • Measuring and monitoring autonomy
  • MAMA framework guidebook
  • Autonomous operations Maturity Model

Find out more: MAMA toolkit


Autonomous Network (AN):
  • AN maturity levels
  • Reference architecture
  • Effectiveness indicators

Find out more: Autonomous Network toolkit

Connectivity as a Service (CaaS):
  • Vision and strategy guide
  • CaaS reference architecture
  • CaaS API profile

Find out more: CaaS solution

Assurance (CLADRA):
  • Closed loop AI models
  • Implementation architecture
  • Automation APIs

Find out more:  CLADRA toolkit

Digital Twins for Digital Intelligence (DT4DI):
  • DT4DI ontology
  • Reference architecture
  • Lifecycle management
  • Maturity models

Find out more: DT4DI reference architecture

Build your composable architecture

Building from the bottom up, the essential starting point for all players is to ensure their internal systems and processes are constructed on a composable architecture. This is the focus of TM Forum’s Open Digital Architecture (ODA), providing the key to plug-and-play software integration through its use of easy-to-use Open APIS, ODA Component and ODA Canvas:

Business Architecture
& Runtime

Interactive ODA Map

Click on the interactive map to explore ODA.