This class provides crossed threshold information when the alarm is a result of crossing a threshold.<br/><br/>It is an implementation-oriented object, since the information it provides is a summary of information contained in other SID entities. <br/><br/><br/>It consists of :<br/><br/>- Threshold Id, identifying the threshold that caused the alarm<br/>- Indicator Name, identifying the name of performance indicator which crossed the threshold<br/>- Observed Value, providing the value of the performance indicator which crossed the threshold<br/>- Granularity, providing the granularity at which the indicator is evaluated for threshold crossing<br/>- Direction, providing the threshold crossing direction: up or down<br/>- ThresholdQualifier, qualifying the crossed threshold<br/><br/>- Threshold Crossing Description, containing further information on the threshold crossing alarm.<br/><br/>Note that some of the information present in the Threshold object , like indicator name or granularity is repeated here in order to have a contained alarm report.<br/>
Indicates the threshold crossing direction: up or down.<br/><br/><br/><br/>If the threshold applies to a single indicator, then this attribute is mandatory. It can only be omitted for complex threshold involving multiple indicators.<br/>
Indicates the granularity at which the indicator is evaluated for threshold crossing.<br/><br/><br/><br/>If the threshold applies to a single indicator, then this attribute is mandatory. It can only be omitted for complex threshold involving multiple indicators.<br/>
Indicates the name of performance indicator, KPI, gauge or counter which crossed the threshold. <br/><br/><br/><br/>If the threshold applies to a single indicator, then this attribute is mandatory. It can only be omitted for complex threshold involving multiple indicators.<br/>
This attribute identifies the unit of the measurement of the indicator corresponding to the threshold that has been crossed in a free format string.<br/>
Indicates the observed value: the value of the indicator which crossed the threshold. This may be different from the threshold value if, for example, the indicator is a gauge and this gauge only takes on discrete values.<br/><br/><br/><br/>If the threshold applies to a single indicator, then this attribute is mandatory. It can only be omitted for complex threshold involving multiple indicators.<br/>
Contains further information on the threshold crossing alarm. Vendors should avoid using this field to put additional information identifying the indicator or the threshold id. The corresponding fields should be use for better alarm quality.<br/><br/><br/><br/>For complex thresholds involving multiple indicators, this field is required to provide a textual description of the threshold crossing condition.<br/>
Indicates the identifier of the threshold that caused the alarm.<br/>
This attribute contains a set of name/ value pairs used to qualify the crossed threshold. <br/><br/><br/><br/>When migrating from MTOSI, this attribute can contain the pmLocation and the thresholdType. <br/><br/>For pmLocation, the name would be pmLocation and the values would be Contra_Near_End_Rx, Contra_Far_End_Rx, Near_End_Rx, Near_End_Tx, Far_End_Rx, Far_End_Tx, Bidirectional.<br/><br/>For thresholdType, the name is thresholdType and the possible values are Low, Lowest, Highest and High.<br/>
Name: _crossedThresholdInformation
Identifies the details of the threshold that has been crossed.
Multiple values are possible in case of multiple threshold crossing applying to the same threshold id. The ThresholdInfo corresponding to the clearance can also be recorded in the original alarm for completeness.
This attribute is optional in all 3 profiles.