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ResourceAlarm : Public <<TMF_BusinessEntity>> Business Entity
Created: 1/10/2022 12:01:22 PM
Modified: 1/16/2025 11:01:44 AM
The ResourceAlarm entity contains information about a given alarm condition of an alarmed Managed Object.<br/><br/>Note that the automatic Object Creation notification generation is disabled as a specific New Alarm notification is generated for a new alarm.<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
ackState Public AckStatus
Notes: Provides the Acknowledgement State of the alarm. <br/><br/>Note that the automatic AVC notification generation is disabled for this attribute as a specific notification is generated for acknowledgement state change.  <br/><br/>If the acknowledgeResourceAlarms is supported, then this attribute shall also be supported. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
ackSystemId Public String
Notes: Provides the name of the system that last changed the ackState of an alarm, i.e. acknowledged or unacknowledged the alarm.<br/><br/>Note that the automatic AVC notification generation is disabled for this attribute as a specific notification is generated for acknowledgement state change.  <br/><br/>If the acknowledgeResourceAlarms is supported, then this attribute is optional. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
ackTime Public DateTime
Notes: Provides the time when the alarm has been last acknowledged or unacknowledged.<br/><br/>Note that the automatic AVC notification generation is disabled for this attribute as a specific notification is generated for acknowledgement state change.  <br/><br/>If the acknowledgeResourceAlarms is supported, then this attribute shall also be supported. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
ackUserId Public String
Notes: Provides the id of the user who has last changed the ack state of the alarm,  i.e. acknowledged or unacknowledged the alarm.<br/><br/>Note that the automatic AVC notification generation is disabled for this attribute as a specific notification is generated for acknowledgement state change.  <br/><br/>If the acknowledgeResourceAlarms is supported, then this attribute shall also be supported. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
additionalText Public String
Notes: Contains further information on the alarm. Vendors should avoid using this field to put additional information identifying the alarmed object or the specific problem. The corresponding fields should be use for better alarm quality. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is optional in all 3 profiles.<br/>
alarmChangedTime Public DateTime
Notes: Indicates the last date and time when the alarm is changed on the alarm-owning system. Any change to the alarm whether coming from the alarmed resource, or triggered by a change from the client is changing this time. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
alarmClearedTime Public DateTime
Notes: Indicates the time (as a date + time) at which  the alarm is cleared.<br/><br/>Note that the automatic AVC notification generation is disabled for this attribute as a specific notification is generated for alarm clearance.  <br/><br/><br/><br/>It is not filled on an alarm for which the clearance has not been received, but it is mandatory for a cleared alarm.<br/><br/>This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.<br/>
alarmEscalation Public Integer
Notes: Indicates if this alarm has been escalated or not. Possible values are 0 to 10. A value of zero means no escalation.<br/><br/>The meanings of values 1-10 are to be determined by the user of the interface, but they show increasing levels of escalation.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
alarmId Public String
Notes: Local identifier of the Alarm. Note that this identifier is local to the server side of the interface, i.e. the alarm-owning system. <br/><br/>Only EntityIdentifier can be considered as global.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.<br/>
alarmRaisedTime Public DateTime
Notes: Indicates the time (as a date + time) at which the alarm occurred.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.<br/>
alarmReportingTime Public DateTime
Notes: Indicates the time (as a date + time) at which the alarm was reported by the owning system. <br/><br/><br/><br/>It might be different from the alarmRaisedTime. For instance, if the alarm list is maintained by an EMS, the alarmRaisedtime would be the time the alarm was detected by the NE, while the alarmReportingTime would be the time this alarm was stored in the alarm list of the EMS.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
alarmType Public AlarmType
Notes: Categorizes the alarm.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.<br/>
backedUpStatus Public Boolean
Notes: Indicates if the Managed Object (related to this alarm) has a back up or has been backed up. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
clearSystemId Public String
Notes: Provides the id of the system where the user who invoked the clearResourceAlarm operation is located. This might be different from the alarm-owning system. <br/><br/>Note that the automatic AVC notification generation is disabled for this attribute as a specific notification is generated for alarm clearance.  <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
clearUserId Public String
Notes: Provides the id of the user who invoked the clearResourceAlarm operation.<br/><br/>Note that the automatic AVC notification generation is disabled for this attribute as a specific notification is generated for alarm clearance.  <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
managedObjectClass Public String
Notes: Identifies, in terms of object class, the resource that is in alarm.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.<br/>
mtosiSpecificAlarmAttributes Public MTOSIAlarmAttributes
Notes: This attribute groups wireline specific alarm attributes coming from MTOSI.<br/><br/><br/><br/>It is present to ease migration from MTOSI RTM implementation and can be considered as conditional for MTOSI. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
perceivedSeverity Public PerceivedSeverity
Notes: Lists the possible severities that can be allocated to an Alarm. The values are consistent with ITU-T Recommendation X.733.<br/><br/>Once an alarm has been cleared, its perceived severity is set to Cleared and can no longer be set. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.<br/>
plannedOutageIndication Public PlannedOutageIndicator
Notes: Indicates that the Managed Object (related to this alarm) is in planned outage (in planned maintenance, or out-of-service). This might also be used when an equipment is being commissioned to avoid the alarms propagating to other systems.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
potentialRootCauseIndication Public Boolean
Notes: Indicates whether an alarm is a raw (uncorrelated) alarm (when false) or a potential root cause alarm indication (when true).<br/><br/><br/><br/>A fault has typically one root cause, but identifying the true root cause of a fault might be difficult. However, with the scope of an alarm-owning system, it might possible to identify a potential root cause indication that might be useful for client systems.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
probableCause Public String
Notes: Further qualifies the alarm in complement of the alarmType. This specification does not use an enumeration, but a string with qualified text. Recommended values are specified in TMF063 Probable Causes Technical Specification.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.<br/>
proposedRepairActions Public String
Notes: Indicates proposed repair actions, if known to the system emitting the alarm.<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is optional in all 3 profiles.<br/>
serviceAffecting Public ServiceAffectingIndicator
Notes: Provides the alarm-owning system determination of whether or not the alarm affects service.  <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
specificProblem Public String
Notes: Further qualifies the alarm in addition to the probableCause. This attribute is defined as a string. Values are defined by vendors. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is optional in all 3 profiles.<br/>
systemDN Public String
Notes: Identifies the alarm-owning system, i.e. the one owning the alarm list. <br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile, optional in the Standard profile and mandatory in the Enhanced profile.<br/>
trendIndication Public TrendIndicator
Notes: Indicates the current severity trend of the Managed Object (related to this alarm).<br/><br/><br/><br/>This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_BusinessEntity» TrackingRecord
Business Entity  
Name: _alarm
alarm to which the trackign records are related
Name: _trackingRecord
Allows the tracking of modifications on the alarm. The tracking records should not be returned by default with the alarm to allow retrieving the alarm without the tracking records. Whether the tracking records is stored with the alarm or outside of it is implementation specific. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
ABE «TMF_ABEIsComposedByEntity»
«TMF_BusinessEntity» Comment
Business Entity  
Name: resourcealarm
Name: _comments
Indicates the comments entered on the alarm, as a list. If the commentResourceAlarms is supported, then this attribute shall also be supported. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» PartyRole
Business Entity  
Name: resourcealarm2
Name: _securityServiceProvider
Identifies the service provider whose service request provokes the generation of the security alarm. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» CrossedThreshold
Business Entity  
Name: alarm
Name: _crossedThresholdInformation
Identifies the details of the threshold that has been crossed. Multiple values are possible in case of multiple threshold crossing applying to the same threshold id. The ThresholdInfo corresponding to the clearance can also be recorded in the original alarm for completeness. This attribute is optional in all 3 profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» Resource
Business Entity  
Name: _alarm_1
Name: _managedObjectInstance
Identifies, in terms of object instance, the resource that is in alarm. This attribute is mandatory in all 3 profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» Resource
Business Entity  
Name: _alarm_3
Name: _alarmDetector
Provides the identity of the detector of the alarm. This attribute can also be used for non security alarms, when the object detecting the problem is not the Managed Object related to the alarm. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» CharacteristicValue
Business Entity  
Name: alarm
Name: _monitoredAttributes
The Monitored Attributes parameter, when present, defines one or more attributes of the Managed Object (related to this alarm) and their corresponding values at the time of the alarm. Managed object definers may specify the set of attributes which are of interest, if any. This allows, for example, the timely reporting of changing conditions prevalent at the time of the alarm. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» PartyRole
Business Entity  
Name: resourcealarm
Name: _securityServiceUser
Identifies the service user whose request for service led to the generation of the security alarm. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» Resource
Business Entity  
Name: _alarm_2
Name: _backUpObject
In case the Managed Object (related to this alarm) has a back up, it specifies the value of the object providing the back-up. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ResourceAlarm
Business Entity  
It indicates the parent alarms for this alarm from a correlation point of view. An alarm can be correlated to one or more underlying alarms. There might be multiple levels of alarm correlation and an underlying alarm in one relation can be itself a parent alarm for other underlying alarms. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
It indicates the alarms attached to this alarm as underlying alarms from a correlation point of view. An alarm can be correlated to one or more underlying alarms. There might be multiple levels of alarm correlation and an underlying alarm in one relation can be itself a parent alarm for other underlying alarms. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
It indicates correlation between alarms. <br/><br/>An alarm can be correlated to one or more underlying alarms. There might be multiple levels of alarm correlation and an underlying alarm in one relation can be itself a parent alarm for other underlying alarms.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ServiceProblem
Business Entity  
Name: problem
Name: underlyingAlarms
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ResourceAlarm
Business Entity  
It indicates the parent alarms for this alarm from a correlation point of view. An alarm can be correlated to one or more underlying alarms. There might be multiple levels of alarm correlation and an underlying alarm in one relation can be itself a parent alarm for other underlying alarms. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
It indicates the alarms attached to this alarm as underlying alarms from a correlation point of view. An alarm can be correlated to one or more underlying alarms. There might be multiple levels of alarm correlation and an underlying alarm in one relation can be itself a parent alarm for other underlying alarms. This attribute is not supported in the Simple Alarm Reporting profile and optional in the Standard and Enhanced profiles.
It indicates correlation between alarms. <br/><br/>An alarm can be correlated to one or more underlying alarms. There might be multiple levels of alarm correlation and an underlying alarm in one relation can be itself a parent alarm for other underlying alarms.<br/>
Tag Value
IsCoreEntity False
Values: true,false
Default: False
rsa_guid _Rph10E_nEd6ImLl24rKBUQ
Property Value
isActive: 0
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«TMF_Process» Categorize Resource Alarm Event eTOM Process Dependency From  
«TMF_Process» Abate Alarm Event Records eTOM Process Dependency From