Figure PPSO.04 - Party Role Prod Spec Subclasses

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Figure PPSO.04 - Party Role Prod Spec Subclasses : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 6/5/2024 7:53:59 AM
The PartyRoleProductSpecification might be further specialized in order to detail the role played by the ProductSpecification seen by the ServiceProvider.<br/>The following Figure depicts the different types of PartyRoleProductSpecification that could be used.<br/>A ProductSpecification may sold / rented by the Service Provider (SalesProductSpecification) or bought by the Service Provider (PruchaseProductSpecification).<br/>For a SalesProductSpecification the Service Provider might:<br/>        • Either only take the order on behalf of another Party (OrderedOnlySalesProdSpec),<br/>        • Or take the order and fulfill the product (FulfilledSalesProdSpec).<br/><br/>