Figure P.31 - Party Settlement Agreement

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Figure P.31 - Party Settlement Agreement : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 11/26/2023 6:48:17 AM
Party Settlement ABE deals with an enterprise’s settlements with other parties. A PartySettlement is a monetary value that will be paid to a party by the enterprise or a party will pay to the enterprise as a result of the usage/recurring fee of a product/service/resource provided. PartySettlement is managed by agreements and can be created between an enterprise and other MVNOs, dealers, retailers, content providers, etc. A service provider’s dealer earns commissions for handling customer business interactions such as new sale or upsell. A mobile service provider pays the settlement amount to its roaming partner when one of its customers connects the roaming partner’s line. A party can play a role of customer and a partner at the same time or it can be only a partner.<br/>As another example, Amazon offers a Thermo-Kitty Heated cat bed on behalf of other vendors.<br/>Two offers are proposed in this way by Amazon.<br/>The first offer is Quidsi’s offer for which Quidsi is the provider and has delegated several processes to Amazon (order handling, fulfillment, collecting payment..). The price for this offer is $44.79.<br/>The second offer is GlobalPets’ offer for which GlobalPets is the provider and has delegated only the order handling to Amazon. The price for this offer is $48.<br/>Amazon has different agreements with Quidsi and GlobalPets and will earn predefined settlement amount for selling each offer. <br/>Quidsi and GlobalPets can also be a customer of Amazon.<br/>For Party Settlements between Quidsi and Amazon or between GlobalPets and Amazon, the entity PartySettlement is calculated according to the rules, limits, amounts, and policies defined in the agreement drawn up between the enterprise and other parties.<br/>PartySettlementRole captures all the roles that are included like settlement payment responsible and for example, the role of parties responsible for a) calculating or b) forwarding settlements, etc.<br/>The following figure shows the PartySettlement Agreement model.<br/><i>Party Settlement ABE is still preliminary</i><br/>