![]() Figure U.05 - Product Usage, Part 1 : SID diagram
A Product is realized as one or more Service(s) and/or Resource(s). A Product is created by instantiating a ProductOffering and associating it to a specific customer and possibly a customer account, to which charges will be made. In order to charge a service (or a resource) usage, the service (or resource) has to be associated to a product.<br/>The following Figure shows relationships among the ProductSpecification, the Product, the ProductUsageSpec and the ProductUsage ABEs. The ProductUsageSpec is defined for the certain ProductSpecification. As the ProductSpecification has 2 subclasses (the AtomicProductSpecification and the CompositeProductSpecification), the ProductUsageSpec needs 2 subclasses as well: the AtomicProductUsageSpec and the CompositeProductUsageSpec (associated with the AtomicProductSpecification and the CompositeProductSpecification entities respectively).<br/>The ProductUsage describes the usage of an instantiated Product. The Product ABE is extended with the ProductComponent and the ProductBundle business entities. Consequently, the ProductUsage is extended with ProductComponentUsage and the ProductBundleUsage business entities (that are associated with the ProductComponent and the ProductBundle respectively).<br/>