Figure AnMP.04 - Anomaly Management Plan Lifecycle

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Figure AnMP.04 - Anomaly Management Plan Lifecycle : StateMachine diagram
Created: 4/6/2024 6:11:23 AM
Modified: 4/6/2024 6:40:15 AM
Following is the state model for an Anomaly Management Plan:<br/><br/><ul>
<li>Designed : Initial state of the Anomaly Management Plan where the management plan attributes are populated as per the use case requirement </li></ul>
<li>UnderReview :  Designed Anomaly Management Plan is under Review by relevant stakeholders </li></ul>
<li>Certified : Anomaly Management Plan is Reviewed and found valid , If it is not valid the Plan is rejected and the state moves back to Designed </li></ul>
<li>Assigned: Certified Anomaly Management Plan is Assigned for managing an Anomaly stage . If the management plan is no longer applicable for the Anomaly it is unassigned and state moves back to Certified </li></ul>
<li>Active : An Assigned Anomaly Management Plan is activated , the deactivation moves the Management plan back into assigned state </li></ul>
<li>Archive : A Designed Anomaly Management plan is not relevant and archived. The archived Anomaly Management Plan can be recovered and cycled back through the review and certification stage</li></ul><p/>