Customer Credit Risk Management : Public <<TMF_Function>> Function
Customer risk analysis is based on information collected from all processes and that consistent risk assessment is used across the Enterprise It includes also detection of the outstanding payment risks, for a new customer or during a new order for example, with: <br/><ul>
<li>Definition of the class "bad debtors”, </li><li>Analysis of the profiles of bad debtor behaviors.</li></ul><p/>
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Tag |
Value |
Function Identifier |
188 |
isDeleted |
False |
Values: True,False
Maturity |
4 |
Description: the maturity level of this element (1-x integer)
system ID |
3944 |
TMFStatus |
Released |
Values: Released,Preliminary,Draft,Not Fully Developed,likelyToChange,likelyToBeDeprecated Description: the TM Forum status
Property |
Value |
isFinalSpecialization: |
0 |