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AN Level 4 Challenge

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AN Level 4 Challenge

Empowering Level 4 autonomous networks to self-optimize, self-heal, and deliver unparalleled efficiency with zero-touch intelligence.

  • Reduce operational costs by 30% through automation

Moonshot Catalysts addressing this challenge should develop and implement high-value Level 4 autonomous network scenarios that enable zero-touch service provisioning, intelligent traffic optimization, and seamless fault self-healing.

These scenarios should leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and intent-based networking to create networks that are self-configuring, self-healing, and self-optimizing, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience.

AN Level 4 Challenge

Executive Coaches

Each Moonshot Challenge will be allocated an Executive Coach to provide invaluable feedback on business readiness and technical viability. Executive coaches will schedule a 30-minute advisory call with allocated Moonshot Catalysts, to guide them & offer their feedback.

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