
Bold, ambitious projects aiming to achieve breakthrough solutions with far reaching impact.


Join Moonshots

TM Forum Moonshot Catalysts have evolved to ensure there are no limits on the scope of your innovation. Moonshot projects are bold with ambitious goals that aim to achieve breakthrough solutions and push beyond incremental improvements to create transformative change.

In addition to the advantages of Open Innovation Catalysts, Moonshot project teams receive enhanced backing every step of the way, to create technically excellent solutions with game-changing business or societal impact.

The teams are eligible to win any category in the prestigious Moonshot Catalyst Awards, based on the most technically excellent solutions with game-changing business or societal impact.

Join Moonshots



Create innovation at scale

and sustainable growth with a fail-fast philosophy and the guidance of top industry figures


Win awards

for technically excellent solutions with game-changing business or societal impact


Board-level Executive Coach support

An Executive Coach to provides invaluable feedback on business readiness and technical viability from a CXO level mentor, plus a potential route to market

About Moonshot Awards

These prestigious Awards acknowledge Moonshot Catalysts creating groundbreaking and high potential solutions. The Awards recognize the efforts of teams who actively drive innovation and push boundaries, with technically excellent solutions for game-changing business or societel impact.

About Moonshot Awards

How it works


Proposal Ideation

Moonshot Catalysts represent the top tier of innovation and must show high industry impact and technology advancements in their approach to tackling the challenges facing our Members. Groups of Members and other potential partners come together to identify a common goal and work on a draft proposal. All teams should be able to defend how their proposed solution is new, innovative, timely, and has a clear business value that fits with the goals of the TM Forum, its Members, and the industry. Champion involvement at this stage is vital for defining and or validating the key industry challenges and business requirements.


Proposal Submission

Submitters can indicate if they want their proposal to be considered for upgrading to one of the limited Moonshot Catalyst spots available. Moonshot project submissions must effectively communicate the project's business value, high industry impact, and technological innovation. Teams meeting this criteria may also be invited to join the Moonshot program directly. Submission proposals require contacts from at least 1 'Champion' and 2 additional unique organizations who have expressed interest in participation. Contacts should be aware of inclusion and may be copied on proposal-related communications. Project proposals must be submitted online by the deadline for consideration for the respective event showcase. Incomplete proposals will be declined.


Proposal Review

Each Catalyst project proposal submission is reviewed to ensure all advancing Catalyst projects meet our standards of innovation and are aligned with TM Forum goals. Project proposals that show high industry impact and technological innovation will be offered one of the Moonshot Catalyst spots. Moonshot projects may be grouped into Challenge topics at this time. Reviews typically take 2-3 weeks with the longer times being proposal received closer to the deadline. Proposals not selected for a Moonshot Catalyst slot will be considered for an Open Innovation project. Submitters may receive feedback and given a chance to resubmit if the proposal is not accepted.



During Matchmaking, team members reach out to potential partners to build a strong project team and confirm at least the required minimum of Champions and paying Participants. A project webpage is built for teams to publish content and recruit members. Additional organizations can request to join teams and be introduced to project members. Catalyst teams can begin work on planning, designing, building, and testing their solution.


Pending Activation / Viable

A major milestone for our Catalyst teams is when they have commitment confirmed from a minimum of 3 paying Participants and 2 Champions and advance "Pending Activation' status. At this point, the project is considered viable and members get access to additional marketing benefits and operational support resources. Consistent input, validation, and participation from a highly involved Champion throughout the project cycle is key to success. Champions are critical partners and fundamental for industry acceptance and endorsement.



Reaching ‘Active’ status means your project has met all the requirements to fully participate in that Catalyst cycle. A minimum of 3 paying Participants and 2 Champion contracts have been signed and returned. Registration pass links are sent to members with signed SOWs/ Catalyst Contracts Invoices are sent to Participants. A spot to demonstrate live at the corresponding event is confirmed and the project team is eligible to submit for awards. Event pass registration links are sent. All relevant marketing and operational support benefits are made available.

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unleash your creativity and innovation to solve a Moonshot challenge