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Ultimate connected car experience enhancing digital lifestyle

URN C23.0.509
Topics 5G, Ecosystem management, Internet of Things (IoT)

Making the CSP a key-player in the connected car industry

This Catalyst project cooperates with industry partners to build a rich set of connected car services for car companies, such as Vehicle to Everything (V2X), which includes but is not limited to: Vehicle to infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle to network (V2N), Vehicle to pedestrian (V2P), Vehicle to device (V2D), and Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V). It also paves the way for Autonomous vehicles and a complete Smart Road topology. The Catalyst project contributes to Autonomous Operations in practice and ecosystem development for the Connected Car industry. The champions will provide their various scenarios, and they will provide the techcos capabilities for the Connected Car industry. Transforming telco network operations into a techco operational model is aimed at enhancing the driver and connected car experience. The ability of Techco to collaborate with partners can provide 360-degree support to fulfill V2X in the near future. By utilizing the latest technologies (e.g., AIOps, DT4DI, Cloud, TMF API) and value realization principles, the project can establish different customer segments for the Connected Car Business and provide customized solutions and the ultimate experience for them.


#Catalyst509 Project Overview# Champions and partners demonstrate the implementation of a Smart City with Connected Car platforms, adding value to the car experience and enriching the digital driving lifestyle through data analytics for understanding distinct car segments. This endeavor, in turn, fosters sustainable urban growth and benefits CSPs as well. #Business Scenarios# →Consumer Market (China Mobile): Connected Car Experience Management & Ability Monetization →Business Market (stc): Intelligent Trucks with Powerful AI systems, Autonomous Operations and 5G real-time Connectivity →Society Market (HKT): Smart Lamppost Helping to enhance digital lifestyle and formation of Smart City #Sustainability & Impact on Society# Connected Car Catalyst Project has big contributions to UN sustainable goals. Example like ‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’, ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’, ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’ and ‘Good health and Well Being’. #Impact on Industy# The future of CSPs is not providing service all by itself. B2B2X model will help CSPs to find new strength to grow beyond existing scope. Also, providing connection to human already seeing saturation at many markets. The future exponential growth will be connection IoT. Thus, this Catalyst project play dual roles. It showed CSPs to expand to connected car industry (China connected car alone will double its market size within 8 years). Another important role of this Catalyst project is the exponential growth in IoT devices, IoT application & data/ability monetization. This will be a new revenue sources to CSPs. #Main TM Forum Assets Used or Contributed# Connected Car touches all 5 themes mentioned in TMF (Data & AI, Autonomous Operations, Cloud Native IT and Networks, Ecosystem, People and Planet). Thus, Champions and participants also participated heavily and contributed in the TMF assets. Members are leading in Digital Twin for Decision Intelligence and AIOps. #Patent# 5 national invention patents from China Mobile Guangdong that covers IoT device identification, IoT networks, quality anomaly identification and analysis methods, etc. Connected Car is one of IoT sectors.

1. Project Overview and Champion Business Use Cases

Connected Ambulance and Connected Medical Cargo Truck

HKT Catalyst 509 business case

C509 Arena Introduction

2. News, studies, papers relevant to the Catalyst

Ambulances services in HK are being recommended

Smart Lampposts in Hong Kong

Smart 5G Autonomous Vehicles on public road

China Unicom - Ability Openness Platform - Wechat News

3. TMF Assets Used and Contributed

Champion contributed to TMF Asset on Techco Design

Champion on Techco Design: Partner decision and selection

4. Patent

Patent - China Mobile Guangdong

Inform feature

Improving connected car experiences can clear the road for CSPs to take the lead in development of smart cities

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

BroadTech Technology Co., Ltd logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
China Unicom logo
China Unitechs Co.,Ltd. logo
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo

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