Successfully change from telco to techco by using latest technology in decision intelligence. Opening new markets and boosting revenue growth, aiming for double digit growth in many applied areas.
#C511 Project Overview# ► The Challenge CSPs continues to sell their connectivity services as their main income. If these CSPs lack of modern methods to understand their customers, their connectivity services will have low differentiation and their campaign management continue to have very low successful rate. CSPs need to develop ways to have deep understanding on their customers. Also, expanding beyond connectivity is also important but many CSPs lack the capability to do so. ► The Solution In order to do this, participants help champions to find the way to transform itself from Telco to Techco (not just on technology but on culture, organization and process transformation). The transformation to Techco helps the company to use the latest technologies to build advance decision intelligence. The outcome-based decision intelligence framework enables the champions to have a deep understanding on customer segmentation, their spending preference and then developed their Right-X (Right time, Right way, Right offer) campaign strategy. In addition, the transformation to Techco helps the champions to find new business markets and ecosystem partners for new business model (verticals deployment like buildingMedTech platform and partnering construction industry). "Many champions within this Catalyst team are actively practicing Techco Strategic Positioning. One example is 2022 stc Chairman message stated clearly‘becoming a leading Techco’." Statement from one key Champion stc: the project showed how Ecosystem Service Providers (ESPs) and partners can better use data intelligence to digitally transform the whole operations with 360-view of customer aspects, needs and context. By identifying their largest Operating challenge which can be leveraged to drive better business outcomes, ESPs can make more informed and strategic investments into Customer-centric Digital Transformation, increase agility of their business operations, improve Return on Experience (RoX), and achieve experience-centric business operations for long-tern sustainable growth. #Diverse Champion Business Use Cases# →China Mobile IT: Centralized Digital Marketing to adpt dynamic business changing and customer expectation CMCC Group IT team collaborate with CMCC provinces to create a Centralized Digital Marketing Platform to make better decision that can drive Nationwide business growth (e.g. FMC Value Growth, 5G ARPU Growth). →China Mobile Guangxi: Digital Marketing for FMC Value Growth China Mobile Guangxi introduced a Decision Intelligence-oriented Operations transformation framework empowered approach to ensure the success of launching a dedicated campaign to prioritize the high-quality development of FMC users. →stc:Data-driven Mobile Customer Value Management stc “Persona-based” orchestration solution is expected to dramatically enhance all Customer-fronts and it is showing positive RoX with Customer support team (Both Digital & CC). As of 2022, EBITDA increase 9.8% YoY showing the investment have a healthy return. →HKT:Dr.Go (MedTech) practicing decision intelligence for Right-X (right time, right way and right offer) HKT Dr. Go is a MedTech platform to connect patient and doctor over the OTT apps with high quality vidoe connections. It provided Zero-X (Zero touch, Zero Wait, Zero Trouble) for doctor consultation and medicine delivery. Through data analytics and decision intelligent, Dr. Go also provide the selling of good using Right-X (Right offer at right time with right way) approach. Gross Merchandize Value increased by 160% YoY (HKT 1H interim result report) . →China Unicom:Leverage Outcome-Based Decision Intelligence framework to improve customer services With intelligent decision-making as the core, drive the digital transformation of capabilities in various business areas and achieve refined customer service, thereby improving customer experience and effectively managing customer expectations →China Mobile Anhui - Mobile Gaming Experience Management powered by Decision Intelligence By building a data-driven decision-making intelligence platform, mobile game experience standard management system and domain knowledge base, China Mobile Anhui achieve proactive experience management of popular mobile Internet businesses (such as mobile gaming). In particular, mobile gameing experience have increased by XX%, and customer complaints have decreased by about 80%. #Main TM Forum Assets Used or Contributed, Academic Paper (Published in USENIX ATC, IEEE ICDE etc)# TMF plays a vital role: This Catalyst team used a lot of TMF assets and also developed / contributed to multiple TMF members projects (DT4DI, AN, TCOD, AIOps, MAMA, CEM). We believe the long-term sustainability recipe shall combine value creation (DT4DI) with autonomy and efficiency (AO) and TCOD in the context of the TM Forum ODA framework. →Our team led DT4DI(Digital Twin for Decision Intelligence) member project, and team deeply contributed, key outcomes: IG1307, IG1310, IG1310A →China Mobile IT as the speaker of DT4DI Webinar: →Deeply contributed TCOD, e.g. 1316A #Impact on Industry# →Impact on vision & strategic level This catalyst project is addressing a viable vision that can affect the strategic direction of a Telco. Our view is Telco can change from a low growth rate or even stagnant growth rate Telco to high growth rate Techco and even able to partner with ecosystem partner to enter new markets. →Impact on sustainable business growth Our contribution on applying technology into decision intelligent can bring Techco to realize it is possible to have a very deep understand on customers and then able to group them into different segments and persona. In addition, gaining insights on customers’ need. With such knowledge, campaign management will not be cold-call but enjoy a high successful rate by Right-X (right offer at the right time with the right way).
C511 Project Arena Introduction
Impact on industry
team mates
TMF webinar: Digital Twin for Decision Intelligence (DT4DI)
TMF Artical: How digital twins and AI are driving new decision intelligence
HKT Dr. Go using DI
TMF DT4DI Whitepaper
TMF Webinar: Global Architecture Forum: Digital Twin for Decision Intelligence
MTN personalities, Ayoba win big at 2022 National Communications Awards
HKT Dr. Go 1H 2023 result
China Mobile Anhui - Mobile Gaming Experience Management powered by Decision Intelligence
China Mobile Guangxi Demo for Catalyst C23.0.511
HKT Dr. Go using Decision Intelligence
China Mobile Anhui UC
MTN Business Use Case
China Mobile Zhejiang Demo for Catalyst C23.0.511
China Mobile Liaoning Demo for Catalyst C23.0.511
TMF GB997D HKT use case on DMM
TMF GB1316 HKT Techco Transformation
TMF Ecosystem HKT on Partner decision and selection
TMF Accelerate Week HKT present AOMM Data Dimension
TMF Accelerate Week Jun 2023: HKT presented AOMM Culture Dimension
HKT showing AO to understand Customer Experience
IG1310A DT4DI reference Architecture
IG1310 DT4DI & AIOps Ontology
TMF AiOps Performance Mgt
Fluid: Dataset Abstraction and Elastic Acceleration for Cloud-native Deep Learning Training Jobs
Liquid: Intelligent Resource Estimation and Network-Efficient Scheduling for Deep Learning Jobs on Distributed GPU Clusters.
Meces: Latency-efficient Rescaling via Prioritized State Migration for Stateful Distributed Stream Processing Systems.
SparkDQ: Efficient Generic Big Data Quality Management on Distributed (published in JPDC)
Impact on Industry
Team mates
New decision intelligence operation framework will transform telcos to techcos
Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.
Transforming B2B sales with Autonomous Agents: enabling flexible quoting and commerce for mid-tier enterprise customers
Reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions for champions by enabling multiple sustainable capabilities across digital and assisted channels
Bridge data silos across existing and new network technologies with GenAI-enabled inventory federation and digital twin for streamlined operations