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Holistic intelligence & GenAI to accelerate 5G monetization

URN C24.0.625
Topics 5G monetization, Business assurance, Intent-based networking

Meeting service level agreements by correlating data across dimensions

Within the Mobile B2B ecosystem, various stakeholders possess distinct service requirements and automation needs. Successfully handling these operational demands and evolving their services beyond 'connectivity' is key for CSPs to effectively scale their B2B2X business models and maximize their 5G network monetization, in a sustainable manner. In this Catalyst, we demonstrate how a holistic, 360ΒΊ approach to data can unlock business-driven autonomous networks to CSPs and provide greater enterprise customers' empowerment and service experience, as well as expedite the introduction of AI/GenAI to serve this high-value business. What's required: 1. For CSPs: Handle B2B service real-time SLA control at scale, including: 5G slicing for eMBB and mIoT observability, troubleshooting and resolution automation by connecting customer facing issues to resource problems. Enable real-time prioritization of Services based on business rules, such as revenue impact or SLA breaching penalties and accelerate GenAI adoption across different organizations (Customer Care, Engineering, etc.). Monitor resources efficiency and total energy impact. 2. For Enterprises: Provide the necessary data transparency, simplification and operational autonomy with an advanced Business portal for service management, enabling them to automate/ transform their own operations, sustainably.


Our catalyst exemplifies the evolution of CSPs beyond mere 'connectivity' by offering a premium experience to enterprise customers. Find more information about the Catalyst below and looking forward to meeting you at DTW, Hall C2!

Catalyst goals and problem statement

Catalyst summary

Champions insights

Champions interview


Summary Infographic

Inform feature

A single interface for observing and orchestrating 5G B2B services

Solution Overview

Solution overview

B2B customer purchase with GenAI assistant

Vendor products info

Infovista Ativa for 5G slicing

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

Amazon Web Services, Inc. logo
Bludigit logo
BMC Software, Inc. logo
BT Group plc logo
Econet Wireless Zimbabwe logo
Infovista logo
Intracom Telecom logo
Mobile Telecommunications Saudi Company (Zain KSA) logo
Netcracker Technology logo
Prodapt North America, Inc logo
Telecom Italia SpA logo
TELUS logo
Transform & Trust Advisory Ltd logo

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