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Harnessing GenAI's business value for operations transformation - Phase III

URN C25.0.774
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks, Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

Enhance customer experience. Improve FME operations efficiency.

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This project provide a pragmatic step-based approach to service-centric operations evolution with visions of multiple standards development organizations, including TM Forum’s AO/AN/AOMM and ETSI’s Zero-touch Service Management (ZSM). Here we will target on leveraging GenAI for service-centric operations, AI assistant for HBB FME and MBB Copilot FME. Digital Twin Network (DTN) enabled EDNS (Expected Demand Not Served) and AI-algorithm to assess and prioritise service impact and enable NOC-centric operations. Service impact result will update with Call Center for customer care and also will update with network optimization and planning department for further network optimization work.


Explore the previous phases of this project

Harnessing GenAI's business value for operations transformation - Phase I

Intelligence and value driven digital operation transformation for network - Phase II

Team members

China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison logo
Iquall Networks Inc logo
Makman Technology Consulting logo
Saudi Telecom Company logo
Vodafone Turkey logo

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