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Converged access - Phase IV

URN C25.0.807
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Connectivity, Network as a Service (NaaS)

Exploring business opportunities that converged access enable

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Business value focus on our past 3 years of work in the converged access space. This year we further explore additional connectivity options as well as leverage the increasing benefits of AI within our intent based framework. This will be further refined withing out upcoming team sessions. We already have a well formed team that is excited to contribute. It may include elements of the Broadband Forum's CloudCo and more elaboration on the valuable CAMARA apis that are being published.


Links to previous Phases Phase 1: 22-0-285: Converged Access for ODA * WINNER: Best New Catalyst Phase 2: C23.0.561: Converged Access With ODA - Phase-ii * FINALIST: Outstanding Catalyst - Business Impact * FINALIST: Outstanding Catalyst - Sustainability & impact on society Phase 3: C24.0.624: CABOOM! - Converged Access over ODA Marketplace! - Phase-iii * FINALIST: Outstanding Catalyst - Tech for Good * FINALIST: Outstanding Catalyst - Attendees' Choice Award

Explore the previous phases of this project

Converged access for ODA - Phase I

Converged access with ODA - Phase II

CABOOM! Converged access B2B2C over ODA marketplace – Phase III

Team members

Claro Brasil logo
Digitata Networks logo
Future Connections Holding B.V. logo
GCI Communication Corp logo
Incognito Software Systems logo
NTT Group logo
Red Hat, Inc. logo
Verizon Communications logo
Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) logo

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