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Data and AI-driven network operations

URN C25.0.814
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Autonomous networks, Data management

Data drives new insights and with AIML / genAI, NW operations become highly automated, cognitive, proactive and efficient.

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The solution we propose will address the typical challenges in the network operations such as long delay in diagnosing the root causes, identifying right and faster resolutions, avoid unnecessary changes in the network, and rolling back them in case of failures, not able to be proactive in assurance, all there by leading to poor customer experience and inefficient operations. Our solution brings all relevant data to a common data layer, correlates all of them in one go, identifies the root causes and solutions in no-time and automates them with intent based, intelligent analytics, predicitve and genAI driven service assurance. CSPs want this problem solved with advanced features like genAI, where the machine learns with minimal inputs from network experts, and also be able to recommend accurate, immediate, detailed and automated resolutions. This solution changes the whole dynamics in network operations, by driving it through minimal or zero touch, human augmented only where needed operations as an end goal.

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Accenture logo
Amazon Web Services, Inc. logo
BT Group plc logo
NetScout Systems logo
Telecom Argentina, S.A. logo
Turknet logo

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