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Accelerating dynamic network marketplaces

URN C25.0.836
Topics CaaS (Connectivity as a Service), Marketplaces, Network as a Service (NaaS)

Accelerating network marketplaces through automation using APIs and Gen AI

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Telco operators are increasingly trying to offer consumers flexible products and bundles even in B2B scenarios. This enables them to monetize their assets and open new business opportunities in hyperscaler and 3rd party marketplaces. By abstracting the network complexities behind NaaS, telcos can can deploy complex applications and services on network infrastructure efficiently and using automated deployment processes using Gen AI constructs. This also allows ease of acquisition and management of diverse Telco portfolios. By exposing network capabilities through well-defined APIs and robust security measures, service providers can accelerate innovation, foster ecosystem growth, and create new revenue streams. This can be realized by using CAMARA APIs specifically the use case (workstream) site-to-cloud VPN. This can be elaborated in a cross- operator scenario where the connectivity and bundled service are available at the marketplace and it is orchestrated through a combination of CAMARA, TMF and MEF APIs. As of today the network ordering of a private or customized network service happens by phone call, or through customer manager manually, The combination of CAMARA API, TMF APIs and MEF APIs allows users to create and configure site to cloud network service according to the user request by one click in the dynamic marketplace. With the proposed API, when someone calls the API service with network SLA requirements, telecom operators can create non-public cloud leased network service by orchestrating the IP VPN connections of metropolitan network and/or backbone network. This will allow operators to provide multi-site, multi-cloud network connection for customers, and provide virtual private network services. Currently most of the use cases are in the field of industries, finance, education, medical, Internet of things, cloud desktop, cloud conference, cloud recording etc. We will be contributing to TMF and LFN by defining these APIs and orchestrate them through this Catalyst.



Accelerating Dynamic Network Marketplace

Team members

BT Group plc logo
Cisco Systems logo
CloudBlue logo
Etisalat UAE logo
Infosys logo
MEF.DEV logo
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International logo
Symphonica logo
Telecom Argentina, S.A. logo

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