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Business recommendation and security AI large model system for "communication-automotive" data integration - Phase II

URN C25.0.849
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Open Digital Architecture (ODA), Privacy & trust

Business recommendation and security AI large model system for "communication-automotive" data integration

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In order to solve the information security problem in the joint empowerment of data in the communication and automotive industries, this achievement realizes the secure sharing and interaction of multi-party data through the construction of a security management system for cross-industry data cooperation, and through cutting-edge technologies such as large models, federated learning, blockchain, knowledge graphs and pre-trained models. The results have formed a full-link closed-loop solution of "planning-production-marketing" in the automotive industry, and deepened the integrated application of "digital intelligence". The partners include Tianjin Mobile, a communications operator, and China Automotive Data Co., Ltd., a big data company in the automotive industry, and serve a wide range of automotive industry enterprises. This project promotes the circulation of data elements, integrates language models into vehicle recommendation systems, and significantly improves the car buying experience.

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China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
Shanghai Fudata Technology Co.Ltd logo
Sudo Technology Co. LTD logo

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