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All Moonshots

Transforming passenger experiences with continuous decision intelligence

URN M23.0.567
Topics Marketplaces, Metaverse, Open Digital Architecture (ODA)

This Moonshot Catalyst is accelerating B2B2x commercial deployments and monetization, focusing on leveraging Smart Airports, their multiple industry partners, the associated Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), and travelers as VIPs.

By 2030, Metaverse operations will be commonplace at leading airports where they will play a vital role in optimizing processes and resources, avoiding disruption and facilitating immersive, contextual, and intelligent control – to meet increasing demand. This multi-consortium Catalyst will address the challenges faced by businesses wanting to create and capture value in the Metaverse, including interoperability, sustainability, scalability and real-time, trusted data sharing. The Catalyst will refine a reference architecture and implementation for an event-driven system of systems delivered through a federated services marketplace based on the DBM initiative and TM Forum Open APIs. These services will incorporate Industry 4.0 and Metaverse technologies including 5G, MEC, extended reality, artificial intelligence, IoT, digital twins, event-driven architecture, and robotics to improve passenger experiences and decision-making. The zero-touch reference implementation will model and demonstrate: * 50% reduction in passenger queues and wait times via modeling and simulation. * 20% increase in passenger services revenue via a mobile app and recommendation engine. * 50% reduction in Industry 4.0 implementation costs and time-to-value via marketplace governance.


1. Overview

Demonstrable Value from the Industrial Metaverse

Project Whitepaper

Project Overview

2. Architecture

Reference Architecture for Continuous Intelligence

Agent-based Modeling for Airports

Common Ontology for Cross-Domain Interoperability

3. Implementation

Reference Implementation for VIP Passenger Experiences

ACI ACRIS Smart Airport Project

4. Marketplace

Delivering Intelligent Realtime Services at Scale

5. Cross-Industry Collaboration

Multi-Consortium Insights Exchange

Project References


Catalyst summary infographic

Inform feature

Simulated digital twin airports chart course for stress-free air travel

Team members

Amazon Web Services, Inc. logo
Digital Elite logo
Digital Twin Consortium logo
Mvine Limited logo
NTT Group logo
Orange County Public Works logo
Rockport Software logo
Smart Cities Council logo
TELUS logo
UBiqube logo
Vodafone Group logo

Team members

Amazon Web Services, Inc. logo
Digital Elite logo
Digital Twin Consortium logo
Mvine Limited logo
NTT Group logo
Orange County Public Works logo
Rockport Software logo
Smart Cities Council logo
TELUS logo
UBiqube logo
Vodafone Group logo

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