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All Moonshots

Green and efficient radio access networks

URN M23.0.584
Topics Autonomous networks, Open APIs, Sustainability

Total 25% savings in energy consumption & cost with 5-10% potential saving on short term basis with deployment of AIML solutions.

As 5G networks expand across the globe, so too does the energy required to power them. With CSPs already accounting for 2-3% of global energy demand and traffic continuing to grow exponentially across the RAN (radio access network) through both mobile and fixed wireless access applications, there is an increasing need to scale energy-efficient ways to serve this traffic while maintaining optimal network performance. This Energy Efficiency Moonshot Catalyst will help CSPs reduce their energy consumption and operating expenses, while also improving their network performance. It aims to improve network configuration profiles, use artificial intelligence for resource allocation and help implement more efficient use of antennas – allowing CSPs to create more sustainable, cost-effective networks as demand intensifies. The project team will work with OEM partners and MNOs to develop and deploy these new technologies and solutions. It will focus on three key objectives. * Goal 1: Improvement in RAN equipment Energy Consumption up to 20% based on different configuration profiles. * Goal 2: Vendor Agnostic AIML Framework automation, close to real-time with a 5-10% saving potential to deliver above standard features. Vendors demonstrating API’s which allows their algorithms to cater for different customer needs across different sectors / base stations. * Goal 3: Multiband High Gain antenna solutions with ( 1dB) 15% power consumption savings with reduced costs, benefiting from economies of scale.


The Executive Summary slide presentation of the Moonshot Catalyst M23.0.584 Green and Efficient Radio Access Networks is now available as PDF document. THE CHALLENGE: Communications Service Providers are estimated to generate between 2% and 3% of Global Energy demand and consumption in the process of running their Networks and providing service to customers. A significant improvement in industry-wide energy efficiency or adoption of mechanisms for energy optimization would not only improve margins for Operators, but would also improve quality of life for employees, customers, and citizen stakeholders alike. Through this catalyst, we plan to show how improvements to and evolution of Radio and Antenna hardware, as well as implementation of AI/ML initiatives in Radio Access Networks can drive 25%+ savings in RAN Energy consumption. Energy demand from telecom industry, empirical data & expectations: Empirical data on global energy demand: THE SOLUTION: Through this catalyst, Operators & vendors highlighted solutions in 3 categories, including Radio Hardware improvements - the efficiencies gained as new radios replace older versions still in Operation, Antenna Hardware improvements - the efficiencies gained as antennas are designed for higher performance, and AI/ML initiatives and closed-loop automation in near real-time and non real-time. For Radio Improvements, Operators showed dual-band to tri-band replacements, where the newer Radios can more efficiently switch across bands and power down unnecessary bands when not in use. For Antenna improvements, Operators showed high-performance antennas with less loss than previous generations. For AI/ML opportunities, vendors & operators demonstrated programs like dynamic power down of radios or outlier detection for energy consumption at cell sites. Operators have shown varying levels of success in these areas, with field results and simulations showing potential for savings of 20%-25%, 10%-15%, and 5%-10%, respectively, across different vendors and operators. EXPECTED IMPACT: A clear and consistent industry-wide approach to energy demand management and optimization for both Digital Service providers as well as supporting vendors has the potential to offer outsized returns for both parties, along with the society stakeholders they serve. Successful implementation and adoption of the opportunities identified in this catalyst and broader AI/ML initiatives for Radio Access Networks could impact nearly 60% of Operator energy usage, given that 90% of Operator Energy Consumption can be attributed to Network & Technology, and ~70% of that can be attributed to Radio Access Network equipment. This catalyst highlights various initiatives ranging from Radio hardware efficiency, Antenna hardware evolution, and AI/ML programs and initiatives, from Operators and Vendors. These initiatives have potential for driving significant savings of 20%-25%, 10%-15%, and 5%-10%, respectively, as demonstrated by Operators and vendors throughout this catalyst. THE COLLABORATION: This Catalyst for RAN Energy Efficiency has been a great opportunity to see some of the biggest names in the industry come together and highlight unique and innovative ways each is working to solve energy efficiency challenges. The Mobile Network Operators who participated in the catalyst all brought exciting and varying methods for improving efficiency, ranging from technology evolution in both the radios and antennas used by Operators to closed-loop, near real-time, and non real-time algorithms for AI/ML efficiency enhancements. The supporting vendors also brought about significant experience and opportunities, highlighting solutions used across Operators that could prove sufficiently valuable if deployed across the industry. It has been an absolute pleasure working with industry experts from Operators including Telenor, Verizon, Vodafon, Orange, and China Mobile, as well as partners including Ericsson, Huawei, Google, CapGemini, and ZTE.

1 Main Presentation Material

Executive Summary Presentation - Green and Efficient Radio Access Networks


Catalyst summary infographic

Inform feature

Green radio networks dovetail capability and energy efficiency

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Team members

Capgemini logo
China Mobile Communications Corporation logo
Ericsson Inc. logo
Google Cloud logo
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd logo
Orange logo
Telenor ASA logo
Verizon Communications logo
Vodafone Group logo
ZTE Corporation logo

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