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SmartHive xG

URN M24.0.709
Topics 5G monetization, Ecosystem management, Internet of Things (IoT)

Designing a blueprint for smart city development

Port City Colombo is a newly created urban development in Sri Lanka designed to be one of the world’s leading smart cities. Realizing this depends on a thriving tech ecosystem, which has everything it needs to build the architecture to support state-of-the-art infrastructure. As the nation’s principal CSP, Sri Lanka Telecom is taking a leading role in ensuring the city can deploy cost-effective 5G use cases throughout. This Catalyst will support this objective by identifying commercial opportunities, consolidating strategic partnerships and supporting deployments, while also making contributions to TM Forum assets. A key part of the project depends on developing cost-effective business models, with templates for establishing viability that can be applied to various industry verticals within the urban development. Such models will be based around the Port City Colombo Special Economic Zone, which provides a range of attractive and competitive opportunities for businesses of strategic importance. This status is complemented by clear and contemporary regulations that aim to enhance business development. The project is a clear example of how the industry can play a leading role in shaping newly-created smart cities and areas with special economic status. Moreover, it will serve as a blueprint for these environments, demonstrating how multiple sectors can reap the benefits of 5G networks and the autonomous operations they facilitate.


Discover, Learn and Enjoy Our SmartHive xG Story: Happy Reading !!! Our ambition in the SmartHive xG project is to utilize 5G network infrastructure rollout to build smarter, more sustainable, greener, and connected cities. Our blueprint encompasses an ODA-compliant, AI-enabled Smart City Marketplace platform framework to drive telco revenues and improve urban living through cost-effective and innovative smart city use cases. The SmartHive xG project presents an enormous opportunity for telcos to create value and drive revenue growth beyond their legacy services. Participating in smart city ecosystems as the platform orchestrator enables CSPs to play an active role beyond connectivity. Here, you'll discover documents, videos and resources showcasing the business growth opportunities and the solution architecture that the Smart Hive xG- Platform Blueprint can offer, along with the underlying technologies and platforms that power it. This is how we have organized our resources for your easy reference. 1. Executive Introduction - Provides a high-level introduction to the catalyst Project. 2. Business Track - Provides Business Intro, Growth perspective, Stakeholder Expectations and Business Case Development Worksheets. 3. Technical Track - Provides Technical Solution Blueprint and CurateFX Document. 4. Whitepaper- SmartHive xG whitepaper, which provides a detailed solution overview, contributed by all project stakeholders. 5. Use Cases & Demos- Provides Demo Videos on the End-to-End Use Case Delivery. 6. Vertical Partner Solutions and Videos - Provides video showcases of Vertical Partners.

1. Executive Introduction

SmartHive xG Moonshot Catalyst Project Concept

SmartHive xG Moonshot Catalyst Board Pack

SmartHive xG Moonshot Catalyst Arena Deck

2. Business Track

SmartHive xG User Persona Study Outcomes

SmartHive xG Stakeholder Perspective Analysis

SmartHive xG Project Business Case

SmartHive xG Project Business Value Derived

3. Technical Track

SmartHive ODA Mapped Blueprint Architecture

AI-based Visualization Dashboards Technical Solution

CurateFx Document

4. SmartHive xG Whitepaper

SmartHive Whitepaper

5. Use Cases and Demos

Digital Twin Empowered B2B2C Smart Education in Colombo Port City

Virtual Product Catalog Assistant Empowered by Digital Twin for Decision Intelligence

Zero Touch Partner and Elevating User Engagement to New Heights Platform Video

6. Vertical Partner Solutions Videos

Resolute Robotics- EdTech Vertical Partner Solutions Video

Enocta_EdTech Vertical Partner Solutions Video

BrandMed_eHealth Care Vertical Partner Solutions Video


Project summary infographic

Contact team

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Team members

Botswana Telecommunications Corporation logo
BrandMed logo
Enocta logo
ETIYA logo
Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd logo
N-able (Pvt) Ltd logo
Resolute Education (Pty) Ltd logo
Sri Lanka Telecom PLC logo

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