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Driving industry change through Open APIs, Open Digital Architecture, AI and automation.

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We are receiving exciting submissions for new Open Innovation and Moonshot Catalysts for Innovate Asia 2024, and the projects are now in Matchmaking status, ready to add new team members. Filter the list for Innovate Asia 2024 to see the projects you can join. Contact them via their webpage to discuss how your company can get involved and add value to accelerate the innovation in their use cases.

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Keep up-to-date on the latest co-created thought leadership and innovation from the collective power of our Catalyst teams. Follow the projects to explore their powerful use cases and solutions to the industry’s biggest challenges, all designed to create more efficient businesses and optimized end-user experiences.

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What’s involved?

Organizations and individuals joining a Catalyst commit to the collaborative nature of the teams where all members have a say in the direction and execution of project work. Organizations also agree to the rules of engagement where anyone working on the project is officially a contracted member of the Catalyst.

Catalyst projects bring together different types of member organizations, from large to small, old to new. On a Catalyst project team, all members are treated equally and have equal say. Everyone should be involved in the strategy, development and decisions made by the team.

The actual commitment required from a team member in a specific project varies and is unique to each project. Commitment is agreed upon by the project members and is documented in a Catalyst project charter. Depending whether your organization takes the role of a Champion or Participant there are specific responsibilities for each role.

In addition to fulfilling technical duties (definition, design, implementation and testing), team members are expected to be involved in the team marketing and showcase efforts and may be asked to support one of the key project roles (see Project Roles section below).

All team members must:

  • Actively participate in the project and work collaboratively
  • Attend project calls and meetings
  • Promote the Catalyst project through their orginzation's marketing channels
  • Attend showcase events

TM Forum uses Catalyst Master Service Agreements (MSA) and Statement of Work (SOWs) for the Catalyst Contracts process, streamlining the legal process for our members to join Catalyst projects.

Master Service Agreement (MSA)

  • Organizations only need to sign an MSA once, the MSA is then applicable for all future Catalyst projects the organization joins
  • Future participation in Catalyst projects will simply require signing an SOW for each project
  • The MSA can be signed at any time, even if the member is not actively engaged in a Catalyst project
  • Standard Catalyst contracts can still be used if the member is unable to sign the MSA

Statement of Work (SOWs)

  • SOWs are sent for signature only if/when an MSA has been signed
  • SOWs contain specific event and Catalyst project details and lists any applicable Participant fees
  • SOWs are sent when that specific Catalyst project becomes ‘viable’ (see "The process" chart)
  • A separate SOW must be signed for each Catalyst project the organization joins

Benefits of joining a Catalyst project include:

  • Build your profile through networking on TM Forum’s dedicated Catalyst project webpage
  • Spotlight your work through TM Forum’s marketing campaigns before, during and after the event
  • Amplify your story with a showcase video and bespoke marketing toolkit
  • Promote your solution to industry peers at TM Forum events
  • Boost your profile with a branded Catalyst project showcase stand at TM Forum events
  • Gain industry recognition with a chance to win a prestigious Catalyst Team Award


  • Creation of 1 promotional video
  • Article about the project published on Inform
  • Email and newsletter exposure
  • Logo and company exposure at TM Forum events
  • TM Forum social media posts pre-& post event, published and promoted via TM Forum channels

Moonshot exclusive

  • Project overview infographic


  • Interactive Catalyst project webpage on
  • Lead generation data from project followers
  • Eligibility for Open Innovation Catalyst Awards
  • Support from subject matter experts
  • Self-promotion marketing toolkit

Moonshot exclusive:

  • Access to an Executive Coach to mentor and offer feedback and inputs to the team
  • Eligibility for Moonshot Catalyst Awards

At event

  • Branded Catalyst project stand in dedicated Catalyst zone for teams to run demos and capture leads
  • Presentation on Catalyst Innovation Arena stage
  • On-site TM Forum support
  • Two complimentary registration All ACCESS+ passes plus 25% discount on additional All ACCESS+ passes
  • Meet senior executive attendees
  • Social activities including food and beverages to meet and network with participants

Moonshot exclusive:

  • Panel discussion on the main DTW agenda (the team will select one Champion representative per team)

Organizations can have two distinct roles within a Catalyst:

Champion (CSP/vertical industry)

  • Potential user / buyer of the solution
  • Define the challenge and validate the commercial significance to the industry
  • Contribute to the requirements definition of the proposed solution
  • Inspire and curate the development of proposed solutions
  • Provide feedback on proposed solutions
  • Be the backer and business sponsor for the team
  • *Minimum 2 Champions per project. CSPs / Vertical industries – No participation fee

Participants (solution providers)

  • Develop the solution and design and deliver a proof-of-concept demonstration
  • Define and lead project plans and timelines
  • Explore and develop the solution and design and deliver a proof-of-concept demonstration
  • Leverage current industry knowledge and assets within your solution
  • Document your learnings and contribute these back to the industry
  • Minimum of 3 paying Participants per project – participation fee required (See fee scale).

*exceptions may apply

Key Milestones for Innovate Asia 2024

  • 4th March 2024 - Innovate Asia 2024 Call for Catalyst opens and Matchmaking/team building begins

  • 19th July 2024 - Innovate Asia 2024 Call for Catalyst closes

  • 30th August 2024 - Deadline for Catalyst projects to become viable (i.e. confirm a minimum of 2 Champions & 3 paying Participants)

  • 13th September 2024 - Deadline for companies to confirm joining the project


Pricing is for Participants only: Select the respective company size on sidebar, to reflect the indicative fees. Reach out to your engagement manager for more details.

Phase 2+ Participant discount: Participants involved in the previous phase of a continuing Catalyst project receive a 25% discount off the participation fee for the current phase (applicable to TM Forum members only).

Champions do not pay a Catalyst fee but are expected to contribute time and effort towards defining the challenge, establishing the business requirements/use cases, giving feedback on solutions as they are developed, and promoting the solutions within their organizations and to the industry.

Non-members of TM Forum can join Catalysts but may be subject to a 2.5x surcharge. Please contact us for more details.

Contracts and invoices are sent when a Catalyst project team confirms the minimum required number of Champions and Participants.

Innovate Asia

The pricing here is a guide based upon your company size. The final cost will be calculated for your contract

The process


Proposal Ideation

An individual or small group develops a new or continuing project idea and works on a draft proposal for submission. During this time Service Providers are vital for defining and/or validating the key industry challenges and business requirements. A submission template is available to help with this.


Proposal Submission

A formal Call for Catalyst will be announced for upcoming cycles. Submissions are received within an agreed timeframe and reviewed by TM Forum staff via an online form. During this time Service Provider involvement is vital for defining and or validating the key industry challenges and business requirements. Each submission must include interested contacts from a minimum of 3 organizations, including one CHAMPION to advance to the next stage for review.


Proposal Review

Each Catalyst project proposal submission is reviewed by a TM Forum Subject Matter Expert to ensure all advancing Catalyst projects meet our standards of innovation and are in alignment with TM Forum goals. Submitters will receive feedback and have a chance to resubmit if desired in cases where your proposal is not approved for moving on to the Matchmaking phase of the Catalyst cycle.



During Matchmaking, Catalyst teams work to confirm the minimum required number of CHAMPIONS and paying PARTICIPANTS for the Catalyst project to become viable. A Catalyst project webpage is built for teams to post project details and recruit additional members. Visitors can submit a request to join a team and be introduced to project members. Catalyst teams can begin work on planning, designing, building, and testing their solution.


Pending Activation / Viable

Commitment confirmed from a minimum of 3 paying Participants and 2 Champions Contracts sent to all confirmed team members Project team and members get access to additional marketing benefits and operational support resources



Reaching ‘Active’ status means your project has met all the requirements to fully participant in that Catalyst cycle. A minimum of 3 paying Participants and 2 Champion contracts have been signed and returned A spot to demonstrated live at the corresponding event is confirmed and project team is eligible to submit for awards. All relevant marketing and operational support benefits are made available.