Figure SO.33 TIP Service Management - Service Activation

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Figure SO.33 TIP Service Management - Service Activation : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 5/24/2023 6:56:02 PM
The service configuration and activation process involves the instantiation of both Customer Facing Services, and associated Resource Facing Services. The CFS and RFS are constructed based upon their respective Service Definitions, ServiceTemplates, and real-time ServiceCharacteristicValues passed over the activation interface. The interface context will determine whether the Service Template being referenced is for a CFS (SAI) or an RFS (SCAI).<br/>The CFS and RFS are accessed via one or more ServiceAccessPoints (SAPs) that are characterized by SapSpecifications. There is a relationship between the SAPs and the underlying Resources serving as access points. The following diagram illustrates the classes and relationships as required for Service Activation.<br/>