Figure SO.22 -The Concept of ServiceSpecCharacteristic

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Figure SO.22 -The Concept of ServiceSpecCharacteristic : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 10/28/2023 7:01:05 AM
A major focus of marketing programs is to represent the key features of a Product. This was documented in the Product domain guide book as ProductSpecCharacteristics. Since a Service is the realization of a Product, it makes sense to reuse this concept and define the notion of a ServiceSpecCharacteristic.<br/>The concept behind a ServiceSpecCharacteristic and a ServiceSpecCharacteristic Value is similar in nature to those of a ProductSpecCharacteristic ProductCharacteristic Value, respectively. Services have a large variety of important properties (which we call characteristics), such as bandwidth, type of QoS, and so forth. Each of these characteristics is used at the business level to characterize a Service. This Addendum models these characteristics as a set of entities, attributes, and relationships that help characterize a ServiceSpecification and Service, respectively.<br/>Additional information about the CharacteristicSpecification/CharacteristicValue pattern can be found in the Common guide book subsection Root Business Entities ABE.<br/>