AnomalyIndicator : Public <<TMF_BusinessEntity>> Business Entity
Represents specific aspects such as metrics that is measured for determining the Anomaly on an entity. These measurements are fed into the AI/ML models to classify if it qualifies to be an Anomaly or not. A set of thresholds, applicability (such as time period, tolerance levels etc) can be used to guide the classification of the anomaly. The Anomaly Indicator characteristics are represented using AnomalyIndicatorSpecification. AnomalyIndicator is associated with an AnomalyConsequence to represent the suggested administrative action, however the action may be decided by an Anomaly Closed Loop depending on the embedded AI/ML logic. There can be different consequences depending on the AnomalyIndicator threshold levels and a notification (Alarm or Event) is initiated to notify monitoring Anomaly Closed Loop on the measurement.<br/>
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Attribute |
Scope |
Type |
A discrete value determined for the AnomalyIndicator<br/>
Tag |
Value |
IsCoreEntity |
False |
Values: true,false Default: False
Property |
Value |
isFinalSpecialization: |
0 |