% Manage Profile Service Success

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% Manage Profile Service Success : Public <<TMF_Metric>> Metric
Created: 5/19/2022 5:49:11 PM
Modified: 6/21/2023 3:20:16 PM
# Manage Profile Service Success / # Manage Profile Service Attempts<br/>
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Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_MetricGroup» Manage (Manage Profile/Service, Receive Help, Receive Resolution)
Metric Group «TMF_MetricGroupMetric»
Tag Value
busvalue Used to measure the performance across channels for the Manage Profile/Service Activity Type
category1 Manage (Manage Profile/Service, Receive Help, Receive Resolution)
Description: team-specific category 1 (for BMS, this is the "BMS Domain")
dtid 699
Description: if Metric Type = Ratio, then this is the TID of the denominator
egid M-F-2
Description: Enhanced Group ID; team-specific alphanumeric code; longer form ID, more human friendly than a number. If not provided, it can be created using formula GROUP-SEQUENTIAL#. For example, a team with code ABC would have the first un-numbered metrics being ABC-001.
entrydate 12/4/2014 12:00:00 AM
Description: date when metric was defined or added
gid 44603
Description: Group ID, assigned by domain team responsible for metric (BMS, CEM, SLA, etc.); start with 1 and increment, but can be whatever team decides. Note this is different from tid, ntid, and dtid (TMForum IDs), since these can only be assigned by metrics team at maturity level 4
group CEM
Description: TMForum group/team that is responsible for the metric definition
maturity 3-Validated
Values: 1-Proposed,2-Defined,3-Validated,4-Normalized,5-Benchmarked
Description: Maturity Level is an enumeration of maturity stages ranging from "One" to "Five", as per TM Forum Frameworx conventions.
Maturity Level is typically associated to a Version Descriptor and Frameworx Business Metric selects the latest from the maturity history
metrictype Ratio
Values: Ratio,Non-Ratio,Non-Calculated
Description: specifies whether metric is a Ratio (a specific kind of formula), Non-Ratio (other kind of formula), or Non-Calculated (ie, given, with no calculation needed or provided)
ntid 700
Description: if Metric Type = Ratio, then this is the TID of the numerator
tid 776
Description: TMForum ID, assigned by central metrics team
txtformula # Manage Profile Service Success / # Manage Profile Service Attempts
Description: text-form formula, showing ratio text, or other formula text as approrpirtae; will be blank for Non-Calculated
units Percent
Description: units of measure, like Number, Day, etc.
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«TMF_Metric» # Manage Profile Service Attempts Metric Dependency To  
«TMF_Metric» # Manage Profile Service Success Metric Dependency To  
«TMF_ABE» Business Interaction ABE ABE Dependency To