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Intelligent edge for sustainable agriculture - Phase II

URN C23.0.504
Topics 5G, Edge computing, Network slicing

Smart weeding shows a reduction of up to 20% in chemicals used. Smart irrigation shows a reduction of up to 30% of water used.

The agriculture industry faces challenges like climate change, water scarcity, and productivity. Precision agriculture can help with these challenges, but it's expensive and difficult to implement. The Catalyst project will develop an open, flexible, portable, consistent, secure, sustainable, scalable, composable, and commercially viable blueprint and reference implementation for delivering 5G network slicing, MEC orchestration, and sustainability services for precision agriculture. The blueprint will define the architecture and components of the system, while the reference implementation will provide a concrete example of how the system can be deployed. The system will be tailored to specific precision operations including smart weeding, smart irrigation, and animal health management. It will also provide transparency of the impact on sustainable development goals (SDGs). A primary goal of the project is to make it easy for AgTech solution providers to onboard products and applications (e.g., smart sensors, farm management) into a marketplace using an underlying transparent architecture that can deliver high-value outcomes to farmers. This will enable connected value chains to be built between farm operators, equipment manufacturers, distributors, agronomists, and retailers.


01 - Project Whitepaper

Project Whitepaper

Excecutive Overview - 10 Min

02 - Complete Presentation

1. Introduction - Intelligent Edge for Sustainable Agriculture Phase II

2. Crop Health & Intelligent Edge

3. Animal Care & Intelligent Edge

4. Sustainability Makes Business Sense

6. Summary

5. Open and Flexible Blueprint and Lab Validation

02 - Complete Presentation (PDF Versions)

1. Introduction - Intelligent Edge for Sustainable Agriculture Phase

03 - Booth Videos

Crop Management using 5G and AI

Animal Care Use Case - Demo

04 - Demos

Etiya and Intraway Edge Service Ordering and Provisioning

Etiya Demo - Slice Order for Animal Health User Case

Etiya Demo - Slice Ordering for Smart Irrigation User Case

05 - Showbag

Intraway - Symphonica´s Brochure

Inform feature

How to combat food insecurity with flexible deployment of 5G, AI and edge solutions in agriculture

Team members

Amazon Web Services, Inc. logo
Epam Systems Ltd logo
ETIYA logo
Intraway Corp logo
NTT Group logo
OneCupAI logo
Red Hat, Inc. logo
TELUS logo
Verizon Communications logo

Team members

Amazon Web Services, Inc. logo
Epam Systems Ltd logo
ETIYA logo
Intraway Corp logo
NTT Group logo
OneCupAI logo
Red Hat, Inc. logo
TELUS logo
Verizon Communications logo

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